e-book based on the workshop we hosted in 2016 which captured the key take-aways regarding water resource management issues and transboundary cooperation in the Euphrates Tigris region.
Our goal to contextualize academic research in the local circumstances of the Middle East, and we invite experts of other world regions to collaborate on culturally relevant activities. The Middle East Studies Center produced an The Middle East Studies Center will continue to facilitate collaboration, capture key take-aways, and support faculty efforts to secure funding and other forms of support. We invite you to join in these efforts as we integrate multiple perspectives into our activities. The purpose of these activities is to identify potential synergies and shared interests among social and cultural researchers and STEM researchers and put them into action.
Best wishes,
Alam Payind, Director
Melinda McClimans, Assistant Director
International Affairs, Middle East Studies Center
145 Enarson Classroom Building, 2009 Millikin Rd, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-6506 Office