Year in Review

First Year

The most memorable experience I have from my first year at Ohio State is volunteering at the Wexner Medical Center. This experience is memorable because it reinforced my plan of applying for the nursing program. I previously knew I enjoy helping others but by working hands-on with patients and the medical team, I gained a greater understanding of why nursing is a great fit— I enjoy the trust others place in me and the teamwork required for the field. Additionally, because I knew of the nursing program’s competitiveness before applying, I had a preconceived notion that I would be on my own in regard to classes. Though this was true fall semester, I am happy to say that this spring semester I found a group of other pre-nursing students with whom I worked and studied with, helping to promote and encourage each other and our chances of getting into the program.


The most memorable service experience I participated in this year occurred the weekend before classes even started: community commitment. I was assigned to a group who landscaped, cleaned, and cooked at a home belonging to a group of adults whom have some form of physical or mental disability. This experience was meaningful for me because it opened my eyes to the value of a home. Rather than living in a long-term care facility, these people simply wanted a home and friends to live with, which is something I realize I take for granted. Walking away from the resident’s house that day can be described in one word: satisfying. Knowing that those people get to continue living comfortably in a place of their choosing rather than thrown into a care facility was empowering not only for the residents but also for those of us who helped.

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