Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity

During the first semester of my Sophomore year, I began the recruitment process of Phi Sigma Pi. Each week I would attend meetings to learn more about the important history of Phi Sigma Pi, what the fraternity entails, and what it means to be a brother within this organization. At the end of the semester, I passed the final exam and I was able to complete the process by being inducted into the fraternity. This fraternity and group of individuals within it have made it feel like home since my first meeting. I have enjoyed growing with them and learning more about each individual in the organization, and having the opportunity to volunteer and participate in different activities around our community.

Following my induction, I ran for the Scholarship Chair and got elected to serve for the position. Due to COVID-19, unfortunately I was unable to fulfill the role as much as I wanted to this semester, but I look forward to the upcoming semester to successfully serve as the Scholarship Chair.

I have been looking for an organization on campus that I felt like I belonged instantly, and this was the perfect fit for me. I am so happy I found this fraternity in the beginning of my Sophomore year, so I can grow in it and make the best out of the years I have left.

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