Files at Your Fingertips: The Beauty of Box

Imagine having all your work files accessible at your fingertips all the time. With Buckeye Box and its associated apps, you can have easy access to your most important files whether you’re at the office, home, or even in the field.


Make it a New Year’s Resolution

If you’re not yet using Box, you should start now. Earlier this year, OSU increased the storage size of Box from 50GB to unlimited for all OSU employees. This means there is no excuse to not be storing your entire hard drive in the cloud. The Box Sync app makes it super simple to sync files from your hard drive to your Box account. Once downloaded, you can drag and drop any file into the Box Sync folder for instant synchronization to cloud storage.

To install the Box Sync app on your computer, visit Box Sync for Windows or Box Sync for Mac and follow the instructions for downloading the appropriate app. Once installed, you can save the Box Sync folder somewhere easily accessible on your computer (I would recommend on your desktop or dock if you’re using a Mac).

To start syncing, simply drag and drop files or folders into your new Box Sync folder! Keep in mind that sync time will vary depending on file size and internet connection (after installing Box Sync on my computer, I decided to sync all of the files on my computer and it took several hours to complete the process).

To access your Box files on the go, you may want to also consider downloading the Box app on your mobile device (visit this site to browse all of the available Box apps). With Box app on your phone or tablet, you’ll be able to access and email your work files any time from anywhere (as long as you have access to internet).

If you’re a first-time Box user, visit Buckeye Box and click “Sign Up” to enable your account.

Questions or comments? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Danae or Jamie.

BuckeyeBox for OSU Extension

About BuckeyeBox

The BuckeyeBox service provides an easy way to share files and folders online. Box consolidates your content in a single location, easily accessible from anywhere, on any device. You can create files and folders, share them using a direct link, invite colleagues and classmates to collaborate, and continue to revise and review your content. Though similar in appearance to other consumer services such as DropBox, Box can directly integrate with existing OSU single sign-on authentication systems.

The box is just like the “My documents” on your computer. Each OSU Employee gets 50GB of space – more than you can get with Dropbox (2GB).  You can also download “Box Sync” which puts a folder called “My Box Files” in the My Documents folder on your desktop.  There is also an app for your smart phone.

Learn More About BuckeyeBox

Getting Started with BuckeyeBox

Managing Files and Folders