The eXtension #EdTechLN, One Year Later [Interactive Infographic]

The eXtension Educational Technology Learning Network is celebrating one year of learning, sharing, and collaboration this month. If you’re not familiar with the EdTechLN, it was funded and created by eXtension in 2014 to provide informal professional development, collaboration, and partnership opportunities focused on technology use in Extension programming, working differently, as well as fostering innovative ideas and concepts. While many individuals who engage with the EdTechLN are program staff, the Learning Network has attracted engagement from IT and Communications professionals, Extension Specialists, Faculty, and support staff; forming an ideal collaborative network that provides not just ideas and inspiration, but resources and support as well.

The EdTechLN is lead by Jamie Seger (Ohio State), Paul Hill (Utah State), Jerry Thomas (Ohio State), and Barbara Chamberlin (New Mexico State).

Anyone who is interested in the successful incorporation of technology into their work, or collaborating with like-minded Extension professionals are encouraged to participate in the EdTechLN! Some ways to get involved are described here. To date, Ohio leads the pack with more than 25 individuals engaging with the Learning Network in some fashion on a regular basis! The easiest way to get involved? Sign up to receive info and updates in your email inbox. And we hope to see you during the next TweetUp, they’re a lot of fun.

The infographic below is interactive, so by hovering your mouse over many of the charts and info boxes, you can see additional information. Click on hyperlinked images and text in the infographic to be taken to additional resources.


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