Save the Date: Ohio State University’s Innovate Conference May 16th

Ohio State’s campus and statewide Innovate conference will be held on May 16th! Tentative schedule and other  information is currently available on the conference site. Registration will open in the next couple of weeks. Plan to attend and be inspired by faculty and other educators who are using innovative methods for teaching students and clientele! More Extension colleagues attended Innovate OSU than ever before last year, and we hope to double that number this year!

“With Impact as our theme for 2017, we’re sharing innovations that let educators re-imagine their instruction without sacrificing pedagogical quality and rigor. It’s fun to experiment and enjoy the novelty of cutting edge technologies, but we’re always looking at the way that technology has a positive impact on our students, instructor best practices, the educational community and beyond.

Innovate is a time for bringing people together across disciplines and across adoption barriers. The conference is built with the educator in mind: you don’t have to be tech savvy to fully participate in this day of presentations, demonstrations and valuable dialog.” 

Don’t forget: our 2017 Innovate Extension hackathon event will take place the following day, May 17th. This year’s event will be held at Vue in downtown Columbus; an inspiring and creative space for what will surely be another fun-filled day! Lots of improvements are coming to this year’s event, including a focused theme, presence from Ohio State and Columbus innovators and entrepreneurs, and a Virtual Ideation MeetUp in April. More details will be shared throughout the month of March.

Did you know that Innovate Extension has spread to other states? See recaps from North Dakota State University Extension and Utah State University Extension, which held events last fall. Oregon State, Delaware, and Michigan State will all host Innovate Extension events in 2017!

We hope to see you at both the Innovate OSU conference and Innovate Extension hackathon May 16th and 17th!

Questions about either event? Contact Jamie.

Engaging Audiences Online: Webinar Best Practices and Tips from the Field

With the announcement of OSU Extension gaining access to Zoom hosted meetings and webinars, Jamie Seger, Morgan Domokos, and Brian Raison offered a “Webinar Best Practices and Online Teaching Tips from the Field” during the 2016 OSUE Annual Conference. Further training on recommended Zoom equipment, use, and teaching via webinar will be offered by the Ed Tech Unit and CFAES IT Services in 2017.

Questions about Zoom and teaching via webinar in the meantime can be sent to Jamie or Danae.

Extension and the Maker Movement: Events Ideas and Collaborative Partnerships for Every Impact Area

During OSU Extension Annual Conference last week, our Tech Faire transformed into a Maker Fest, featuring sessions from #Adulting to homebrewing and Ohio makerspaces to home gardening.

Click the images to access a PDF of each flyer. Questions about how you can help OSU Extension become more involved in the Maker Movement? Contact Jamie or Danae.




OSU Extension Annual Conference 2016: Your Posts

We had the highest level of social media engagement this year during annual conference than ever before! Thank you to everyone who posted what they were learning, sharing, and spending quality time with last week. It was certainly a great couple of days. Congratulations to all of our door prize winners, who hope you enjoy your early holiday gifts and put them to good use! Reach out to Jamie or Danae if you have questions about how to do so!

Our conference Snapchat filters alone were used more than 60 times and seen by over 850 people!

Here is annual conference, as experienced through your posts on Instagram and Twitter. Enjoy and we’ll see you again next year!

Your Complete Guide to the 2016 OSUE Annual Conference Tech Faire

This year, the OSU Extension Educational Technology Unit is proud to present an expanded two-day Tech Faire featuring a line-up of talks, workshops, and demonstrations focused on upcoming tech opportunities for our organization (Zoom) and Extension’s involvement in the Maker Movement

What is the Maker Movement?

The Maker Movement is inspiring communities of entrepreneurs, builders, and inventors to come together and share ideas and innovations. The movement, and makerspaces in particular, have been named as a top opportunity for Cooperative Extension by eXtension’s Horizon Report.

“Involvement in the Maker Movement is growing across the nation. Extension has an opportunity to engage with new audiences by applying the existing skills and knowledge found in the Cooperative Extension System.” – Paul Hill, eXtension Maker Fellow and Utah State University Extension Assistant Professor

Stop by the Tech Faire to learn more about the Maker Movement and how you can adapt current programs to tap into this new and exciting audience and way of working. Featured sessions during the Tech Faire include homebrewing, #Adulting, and even a visit from the largest makerspace on the planet, the Columbus Idea Foundry!


“Maker Fest at the Tech Faire” Schedule of Events

OSUE Annual Conference 2016


Tuesday  (December 6) 11:00am – 6:30pm

11:00am – 6:30pm: Zoom Information Station, Maker Movement Information, Q&A with SysTechs and Ed Techs


Demonstrations & Hands-on Learning Opportunities:

11:00am – 1:00pm: Zoom Station: Software, Equipment and Studio Demonstrations Randy Nemitz

Zoom is coming for virtual meetings and webinars! Are you ready? Drop in to see Zoom in action, test it out for yourself, check out recommended equipment, and experience OSU backgrounds and studio space ideas.


1:00pm – 2:30pm: Maker Fest Feature: #Adulting: Life Skills Workshops for Millennials Morgan Domokos, Melissa Welker, Katie LaPlant

Need a fresh way to get participants to your programs? Learn how to host a series of life skills workshops with an #Adulting theme to engage new audiences. Conceptualized by North Dakota State University Extension, #Adulting offers creative marketing and hands-on maker inspired events that utilize FCS and 4-H educational content. Learn how to make a no-sew hem and take your creation with you!


4:00pm – 5:00pm: Maker Fest Feature: Makerspaces as Entrepreneurial Hubs Columbus Idea Foundry

Makerspaces are one of the top opportunities for Extension within the next year, and we have the largest on the planet right here in Ohio! Learn about the Columbus Idea Foundry, dubbed a community workshop, learning center, and creative space, and how you can collaborate with them and other makerspaces around the state to engage with entrepreneurs and small businesses. Speak with local entrepreneurs who started their businesses at CIF and see their prototypes. You can even test out the HTC Vive, a virtual reality system that lets you sculpt and create 3D images.


5:00pm – 6:30pm: Maker Fest Feature: Homebrewing & Winemaking + Ohio Beer and Wine Tasting Brad Bergefurd, Todd Steiner, Brian Raison, Land Grant Brewing Company

Looking for creative engagement opportunities with local farmers, small-scale growers, and entrepreneurs? Ohio is home to a large homebrewing and winemaking population that is waiting to engage with Extension. In fact, our state is 9th largest in grape production and 7th largest in wine production. Speak with OSUE specialists and hear examples from Educators already working with this audience. Don’t forget to sample Ohio-made wines and beer from Land Grant Brewing Company before you leave!


Wednesday (December 7) 8:00am –  4:30pm

8:00am – 4:30pm: Zoom Information Station, Maker Movement Information, Q&A with SysTechs and Ed Techs


 Demonstrations & Hands-On Learning Opportunities:

8:00am – 10:00am: Zoom Station: Software, Equipment, and Studio Demonstrations Randy Nemitz

Drop in to see Zoom in action, test it out for yourself, check out recommended equipment, and experience OSU backgrounds and studio space ideas.


10:00am – 11:30am: Maker Fest Feature: 4-H Maker Fest Events Carolyn Belczyk, Mark Light

Did you know that making is linked to the 4-H “Learning by Doing” motto and is already part of nearly every 4-H project? Extension involvement in the Maker Movement is providing an opportunity to rebrand 4-H and maintain its relevancy in the 21st century, while continuing to provide authentic, hands-on STEM experiences for youth. Learn how OSUE Educators have hosted Maker Fests in their communities through collaborative, local partnerships and how you can get involved.  


1:30pm – 2:30pm: Maker Fest Feature: Gardeners as Makers Danae Wolfe, Ashley Kulhanek

Gardening is big business! The Green Industry in Ohio generates $4.9 billion in sales and $3.15 billion in payroll each year. Explore the many ways to incorporate the Maker Movement into your gardening and horticulture programming. Learn how to host hands-on workshops to make bee houses, insect hotels, and learn how to cultivate ideas for involving Master Gardener Volunteers in maker events in your community. Make and take your very own seed bombs!


3:30pm – 4:30pm: #EdTechLN MeetUp & Annual Conference After-Party

Come for the networking and prizes, stay for the fun! Before heading home, drop by the Tech Faire one last time to network with innovators and other “rogue” colleagues. The first 20 attendees will receive #EdTechLN Bluetooth beanie hats, and one lucky person will be chosen to win a Yeti Blue professional microphone package – perfect for webinars and podcasting!


Questions about this year’s Tech Faire? Contact Jamie or Danae.

Ed Tech Tools for Impact

With a growing number of tools and technologies available, how do you know which is best for you? The Ed Tech Unit has developed a list of tried-and-true educational technology tools that we feel are great options to include in your digital content strategy. We’ve organized the tools based on specific goals you may have for your county or program.

computer on table

We encourage Extension professionals to review the POST method for determining which tools to use for particular audiences you’re trying to reach and specific objectives you may have for each audience. It may be helpful to download and print this POST method worksheet for thinking through some of your goals before deciding which technology is best.

Goal: Improve Workflow, Productivity, and Communication

Be better organized
Box and Box Sync (cloud-based storage and syncing)
Evernote (capture and share ideas across devices)

Offer better communication with internal and external teams
Microsoft Lync (instant messaging – integrates with Outlook)
Slack (instant messaging and file sharing)

Communicate via text message to volunteers or program participants
Remind (mass texting)

Goal: Improve Audience Engagement During Live Programming

Gauge learning understanding
Kahoot (game-based learning)

Create adaptive programming
Poll Everywhere (live polling)

Goal: Diversify Communication Methods to Reach All Possible Audiences

Create content hub to create and store information (WordPress blogging platform)

Create an electronic newsletter
MailChimp (electronic newsletter platform – free for up to 2000 subscribers)

Create an alternative platform for communication with clientele
Twitter Chat (live chat via Twitter)
Facebook group (open, semi-private, or private groups)

Other Helpful Tools

Create branded graphics for sharing online
Canva (great for creating social media graphics)
Piktochart (great for creating infographics)

Create narrated PowerPoints
Camtasia Relay (screen and audio-capture software)

Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list of all tools you could choose from. The above options are tools that Extension professionals in Ohio and beyond have found helpful. Jamie or Danae would be happy to discuss these tools and others in greater depth. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions!

Enroll in BuckeyePass and Win an iPad!

From Matt Devore:

As previously announced, beginning Monday, September 12, 2016, multi-factor authentication will be added to the Human Resources Employee Self Service (ESS) system. BuckeyePass will provide a second layer of security by requiring not only a username and password but also a notification or numerical code that is sent to the user. You may already be using multi-factor authentication to log in to other accounts at your bank, email or social media sites.

For those desiring additional guidance in understanding the concepts of multi-factor authentication or enrolling devices in BuckeyePass, there are two video tutorials available on BuckeyeLearn that cover these issues in detail.

Video 1: BuckeyePass Overview

This 9-minute video provides a general overview of multi-factor authentication and Duo/BuckeyePass. At the end of this video, you will be able to understand what BuckeyePass (Duo) Multi-Factor Authentication is, know why BuckeyePass is necessary to protect our institutional and personal data, and describe the four options available to use Duo.

Video 2:  Enrolling Devices in Duo/BuckeyePass

This 4-minute video provides a demonstration of enrolling devices in Duo. At the end of this video, you will be able to: enroll and manage your devices; and understand how to use the four options available in Duo.

If you are not familiar with using BuckeyeLearn, here are the steps to access the videos linked above:

  • Click the link for one of the videos above.
  • Log in using your OSU username and password.
  • Click the Request button.
  • Click the Launch button next to the training you just requested.
  • Click the triangular “play” button on the video.

Employees who are enrolled in BuckeyePass by September 9, 2016 are automatically entered in a drawing for a free iPad.

Apple iPad

Use RegOnline for Taking Online Registration and Payment

Requiring program participants to print registration forms and mail checks to the office can be tedious. Did you know that every Extension office has the ability to take online registrations and payment for programs using RegOnline? RegOnline is a service available to all CFAES units, including Extension offices.

Hand on computer laptop

To access RegOnline, you will need to complete the Payment Card Industry (PCI) training available in BuckeyeLearn. Once you complete PCI training, email the Business Office (Jesse Buxton) for access to your RegOnline account. You can learn how to set up your event registration through the RegOnline Slide Presentation and training video.

The CFAES fee for using RegOnline is $3.25 per event registrant. Any registration that comes through with a credit card payment is charged 3.2% of the registration cost to cover fees from credit card companies. Keep in mind that the time you save in processing event registrations by hand will probably be well worth the $3.25 fee you will be charged per registrant when using RegOnline (you may consider building this cost into your event registration price).

For the instructions of how to get started using RegOnline, please visit the CFAES RegOnline page available here and carefully read through the instructions.

Questions? Contact Carol AllenCindy Buxton or Jesse Buxton

Innovate Extension May 11th & 12th: How Do We Participate?

This is the fourth post in our series detailing the upcoming innovateExtension event May 12th. You can view other posts in the series here

How Do We Participate?

Registration for innovateOSU is now OPEN. Go here to register. This conference will most likely sell out, so we highly suggest you register as soon as possible!

Registration for innovateExtension will be available very soon – keep an eye out for updates!

Participants will be required to register in teams, so start thinking now about who will be on your team and what your team name will be (have some fun with it!) Some examples of groups that may be interested in participating as a team:

  • Program Area or Design Team (i.e. 4-H STEM Pathways Design Team or FCS Healthy Relationships Team)
  • Curriculum or Signature Program Team (Dining with Diabetes, Local Food)
  • County Team
  • Team made up for the event itself (collaboration across program areas is encouraged, as more diverse groups lead to the most creative ideas)
  • Individuals who do not have a team, but want to participate (we’ll do the leg-work to match you up with others who need team members)

Will Our Team Have to Do Any Work Before the Event?

In a word, no. We’ll have a pre-event training on Creative and Innovative Thinking available to all event participants on April 28th, and provide some information about the event at that time. However, there is no commitment necessary in regard to your team needing to come to the event with topics or issues in mind. Teams can simply show up and see where the event takes them!

How Much Will This Cost Me?

Nothing! That’s right, it’s free! Our Ed Tech unit has been working hard to make sure this is a cost-free event available to all Extension staff. innovateOSU is also free.

Event Objectives:

  • To provide a day-long work session for innovative program planning.
  • To provide a fun environment conducive to creative thinking.
  • To inspire teams and individuals to update programs, change the way they work, or develop solutions to organizational challenges.
  • To provide Extension staff an opportunity to present new ideas and solutions to colleagues and administration.

Attend innovateOSU on May 11th to be inspired and learn how others in academia are creatively solving age-old dilemmas and finding new tools to strengthen their work. 

Attend our post-innovate event just for OSU Extension on May 12th to put these ideas and inspiration into practice.

Alright, I’m In! But I Still Have Questions…

Leave us a comment below with any questions you may have. Or, feel free to send questions directly to Jamie or Danae.