eNewsletter | Summer 2018

Summary of Contents

  • Partnership Works! FY 18 Success & Looking Forward
  • Franklin County Building & the Power of Generosity
  • Fall 2018 Events Galore 
  • New on the Toolkit

Partnership Works! FY 18 Success & Looking Forward

As Dr. Roger Rennekamp shared in a recent email, OSU Extension experienced a record year of philanthropic revenue generation. Over $9.7 million dollars in gifts came in during FY 18 to support programs, facilities and positions. Thank you for working with the CFAES Advancement Team to help attract these investments and, above all, expand our network of supporters by being champions for philanthropy through The Ohio State University Foundation.

We are almost a full two months into FY 19. In order to achieve our $34 million goal for CFAES at-large, including OSU Extension, we will need to lean in together and uncover prospective supporters. Connect with us! Set a goal to make one or two introductions. Consider easy ways to enhance relationships with your strongest advocates (see post Embracing Volunteers as Donors). We’re here to help!

Franklin County Building & the Power of Generosity

On June 29, a groundbreaking ceremony kicked off the construction process for OSU Extension, Franklin County’s new facility. This new building is made possible thanks to an $11 million gift from Patricia Brundige, which will also support two endowed Franklin County 4-H educator positions and an endowed Franklin County support fund.

Brundige, a 4-H alumna from Franklin County, is a long-term champion of CFAES, OSU Extension and Ohio 4-H youth development. Her contributions are truly inspirational and they are opening doors for others to lend helping hands.

A number of spaces in the building are available for naming. Monies generated through these designations will support the facility and its programs. Share news about the building to demonstrate the impact that can be made through philanthropy for OSU Extension. If you know of anyone who might be interested in a naming opportunity, please let us know.

Fall 2018 Events Galore

Events are a great way to bring people together and showcase the value of our programs. Invite some of your volunteers and local alumni to attend one or more of these festivities:

New on the Toolkit

  • More donor success stories link
  • Updated Gift in Kind form with instructions link
  • Electronic version of the Ohio 4-H Gift Planning Guide link

eNewletter | Winter 2017/2018

Summary of Contents

  • 4-H Planned Giving Initiative
  • New on the eToolkit


Ohio 4-H Planned Giving Initiative

The OSUE Advancement team will be focusing on securing estate and legacy gifts from 4-H supporters in 2018. We have a series of ads that will be placed in media outlets around the state. In addition, we have recently created a Ohio 4-H Planned Giving Guide. The guide is also available electronically on the site under Giving Through the OSU Foundation: Ways to Give.

If you know someone who has 4-H in their estate, whether it is a state program, 4-H scholarship or for county programs, please let us know. We need to ensure that the language is correct so the donor’s intentions can be honored hassle free. If you want to discuss further, please contact Emily Winnenberg at Winnenberg.8@osu.edu or 614-247-7606.


New on the eToolkit

Check out the links in the “Templates & Scripts” section. Several tools for development short case statements (also called 90 second commercials) are available.

Just Added! Sample Infographics from Columbiana County

Link: https://u.osu.edu/extensionadvancementtoolkit/appendices/templates-scripts/


Special thanks to Brown, Cuyahoga, Lake, Scioto and Vinton for submitting grant applications for Generation Rx funding!

Ramping Up Strategic Fundraising in 2017

“Never think you need to apologize for asking someone to give to a worthy objective, any more than as though you were giving him an opportunity to participate in high-grade investment. The duty of giving is as much his as the duty of asking yours. Whether or not he should give to that particular enterprise, and if so, how much, it is for him alone to decide.” John D. Rockefeller

Whether it has been through individual donations, event sponsorships or grants, to name just a few mechanisms, Ohio State University Extension has been the grateful recipient of philanthropic investments for many years.

The stream of private donations for OSUE needs to grow over time in order to keep pace with changes occurring in public financial support for higher education overall.

The Extension Advancement team is prepared to work with educators, staff and volunteers to educate current and potential supporters about the various ways transformational gifts can benefit Extension today and in the future through legacy gifts.

To echo our call made during the 2016 Annual Conference, please connect with us to:

  • Brainstorm fundraising opportunities;
  • Craft and execute relationship-building plans;
  • Think of ways to deepen and diversify partnerships with loyal contributors; and
  • Generally work together to be the best outreach and engagement team we can be for the Extension community.

Happy New Year! We are looking forward to accomplishing countless successes with you!

— Extension Advancement team


2017 NAADA Conference hosted by Ohio State

The annual conference for the National Agricultural Alumni & Development Association (NAADA) will be held in Columbus, Ohio from June 12-16 on The Ohio State University’s main campus.

The NAADA Annual Conference is the largest gathering of Agricultural professionals dedicated to raising money, recruiting students and developing relationships to advance the institutions they serve. As an organization, our members represent over 1,000,000 Ag alumni and 100,000 students across the country.

Many cooperative extension programs are operated out of or in close association with agricultural colleges, therefore, the NAADA Annual Conference also serves as a professional development and networking opportunity for those in the Extension profession.

Details on the Philanthropy Session during EAC 2016

“A Fresh Start for Extension Fundraising: New Team, New Tools & New Goals”

  • Session date and time:
    • Wed, 12/7
    • 1:45 – 2:45 pm
    • Ohio Union, Barbie Tootle Room (3rd flr)
  • Presenters:
    • Jera Oliver, Associate Director of Development
    • Emily Winnenberg, Director of Development
    • Pam Bennett, Clark County Extension Director
    • Eric Barrett, Mahoning County Extension Director

Welcome to the e-Toolkit for OSU Extension!

The CFAES Advancement team for OSU Extension developed an e-Toolkit that consists of PDF documents and other materials that are accessible on-demand.

The aim is to enhance communication, cooperation and teamwork among key internal partners in Extension Advancement.

The e-Toolkit serves as a tailored training and educational resource that offers a consistent message on the purpose, process and impact of fundraising and donor engagement through the OSU Foundation.

Sign up as a subscriber! Enter your email address in the box at the bottom of the toolbar (<– left) to receive periodic emails summarizing new posts and updates.

Go on to the e-Toolkit Overview.