e-Newsletter | Fall 2017 

Summary of Contents

  • Planning an Auction/Legacy Dinner?… Read This
  • Welcome, Pablo Villa! New Member of the OSUE Advancement Team
  • New on the eToolkit


Planning an Auction/Legacy Dinner?… Read This

Before Marketing a Fundraising Event:

  • Read/review these relevant eToolkit Links:
  • Inform Gift Processing: Forward documents such as ticket sales marketing information and sponsorship ask materials in one email to gifts@osu.edu before distributing them so that the Advancement Records team knows to expect forthcoming contributions and has the information on hand.
  • Determine the Fair Market Value per ticket for the benefits received by attending the event. There has to be a FMV even if the food and/or other elements are donated. Rule of Thumb: Base the FMV on the amount that an attendee would reasonably pay for the meal provided (reception/appetizers, dinner, beverages, desserts, etc.). The FMV must be noted on marketing materials.
  • If sponsors are offered benefits (e.g. tickets to the event plus any other benefit for which a person or organization would normally be charged — like exhibit space), then the FMV for total benefits per level must be noted on sponsorship marketing materials. Provide space on documentation for clear indication of benefits waiver or acceptance and the final gift amount per sponsor (Sponsorship Level less Accepted Benefits).
  • Cash and individual checks by each donor for ticket sales are preferred. If tickets are sold online and a single check is subsequently sent to The Ohio State University Foundation by an OSU Extension office with documentation and addresses of individual donors/donations, the money will be credited to the documented individuals as personal gifts. Again, however, individual check and cash payments are preferred.
  • If you are planning to raise funds to support a county endowment, indicate on marketing materials that net proceeds (or a portion thereof) will be directed to the endowment fund.

During Events with Auction Components: Display the FMV of the items because disclosure of this amount before an item is bid upon is required by the IRS. The Quick Guide shares other important notes about Auction documentation.


Welcome, Pablo Villa!

Pablo Villa joined the CFAES Office of Advancement as an Associate Director of Development in November 2017. Pablo is based in Columbus and is a member of Emily Winnenberg’s team. He is responsible for major gift fundraising for CFAES with a special emphasis on Ohio State Extension and Ohio 4-H. He works with alumni, donors and friends in the western half of Ohio.

Prior to coming to CFAES, Pablo spent five years in a various fundraising roles at Ohio Wesleyan University. He has a bachelor’s degree in politics and government from Ohio Wesleyan University. He grew up on a farm in Windsor, a small town in rural northeastern Ohio.

For Extension Advancement Contact Info, go to: https://u.osu.edu/extensionadvancementtoolkit/team-contact-info/


New on the eToolkit

Check out the links in the “Templates & Scripts” section. Several tools for development short case states (also called 90 second commercials) are available.

There is also a sample county endowment support brochure that effectively explains the value of giving through The Ohio State University Foundation in donor-centric language (provided by Ross County 4-H).

Link: https://u.osu.edu/extensionadvancementtoolkit/appendices/templates-scripts/

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