Embracing Volunteers as Donors

Yes, members of your community already contribute time, talent and treasure to OSU Extension programs.

Also yes, some of them might be willing to build on their support, deepen their engagement and consider giving through other means, such as gifts of securities or IRA rollovers, following a personalized stewardship conversation.

We are here to help you find out! Connect with Your OSU Extension Advancement Team.

Check out the articles below to learn how long-term volunteerism is a great indication of who we should be reaching out to about leadership, major and deferred/estate gift opportunities.

Must-Read Fidelity Study on Link Dynamics between Giving and Volunteering

By Ruth McCambridge

“[I]f you run a big volunteer program, you may come into contact with them, because according to this report, ‘Eighty-seven percent of volunteers say there is overlap between the organizations they support financially and where they volunteer, with 43 percent describing significant or total overlap with the organizations they support financially and as a volunteer.'”

It’s Time to Stop Being Afraid of Asking Volunteers for Donations

By Billy Ratthahao

“Here’s some really good news. Almost 80% of volunteers will donate (Volunteering in America), and volunteers are 10x as likely to give than a non-volunteer (Fidelity Charitable)!

You are leaving precious dollars on the table by not tapping into your gold mine of volunteers!”

eNewletter | Winter 2017/2018

Summary of Contents

  • 4-H Planned Giving Initiative
  • New on the eToolkit


Ohio 4-H Planned Giving Initiative

The OSUE Advancement team will be focusing on securing estate and legacy gifts from 4-H supporters in 2018. We have a series of ads that will be placed in media outlets around the state. In addition, we have recently created a Ohio 4-H Planned Giving Guide. The guide is also available electronically on the site under Giving Through the OSU Foundation: Ways to Give.

If you know someone who has 4-H in their estate, whether it is a state program, 4-H scholarship or for county programs, please let us know. We need to ensure that the language is correct so the donor’s intentions can be honored hassle free. If you want to discuss further, please contact Emily Winnenberg at Winnenberg.8@osu.edu or 614-247-7606.


New on the eToolkit

Check out the links in the “Templates & Scripts” section. Several tools for development short case statements (also called 90 second commercials) are available.

Just Added! Sample Infographics from Columbiana County

Link: https://u.osu.edu/extensionadvancementtoolkit/appendices/templates-scripts/


Special thanks to Brown, Cuyahoga, Lake, Scioto and Vinton for submitting grant applications for Generation Rx funding!

OSUE Gift Planning Materials Available

You can now access and print simple summary sheets about gift planning options for your Extension audiences on demand.

We are looking forward to having even more conversations with individuals and families who wish to be remembered as Extension supporters through estate gifts.

Consider the 50 year 4-H volunteer whose grandchildren are active in local clubs. What about the local farmer who can share countless stories about the role Extension has played in his or her life? Each of these individuals may be open to a legacy gift discussion. We just have to ask.

Ohioans will enjoy brighter futures with greater opportunities because of such generosity.

Work with the Advancement team to held spread the word in your county. Contact us today.

Philanthropy: A Leader’s Role in Community

Sharing an interesting publication written by Christine Wetherholt Cugliari, Ph.D. and Garee W. Earnest, Ph.D.

Philanthropy: A Leader’s Role in Community

Journal of Leadership Education

Volume 6, Issue 1 – Winter 2007

Link to Full Article



“This study of philanthropy donors in Appalachian Ohio was conducted with the purpose of understanding giving within a rural region. The research was initiated with an ultimate goal of increasing endowed assets in communities that are experiencing philanthropic poverty. The data collected from donors utilizing post-positivist qualitative research methods revealed not only donor giving rationale, but also steps community leaders can take to encourage giving communities and build philanthropic assets that will permit communities to help themselves.”

Excerpt of the Conclusion:

“As community leaders there is a responsibility to picture what can be, and assist others in seeing and creating this preferred future. Along with this is an implied responsibility to envision how this might be accomplished and with what resources. In addition, as a community leader and steward you are entrusted with community assets, which must not only be wisely used in the present but also captured, preserved, and enhanced for the future benefit of the community. This is the jumping off point for understanding why philanthropy is of importance…

Therefore, one of the roles in the job description of community leader should be that of encouraging the community to invest in itself; of encouraging individuals to seriously consider philanthropic giving… in order to develop and maintain a strong civil infrastructure.”

2017 NAADA Conference hosted by Ohio State

The annual conference for the National Agricultural Alumni & Development Association (NAADA) will be held in Columbus, Ohio from June 12-16 on The Ohio State University’s main campus.

The NAADA Annual Conference is the largest gathering of Agricultural professionals dedicated to raising money, recruiting students and developing relationships to advance the institutions they serve. As an organization, our members represent over 1,000,000 Ag alumni and 100,000 students across the country.

Many cooperative extension programs are operated out of or in close association with agricultural colleges, therefore, the NAADA Annual Conference also serves as a professional development and networking opportunity for those in the Extension profession.

Details on the Philanthropy Session during EAC 2016

“A Fresh Start for Extension Fundraising: New Team, New Tools & New Goals”

  • Session date and time:
    • Wed, 12/7
    • 1:45 – 2:45 pm
    • Ohio Union, Barbie Tootle Room (3rd flr)
  • Presenters:
    • Jera Oliver, Associate Director of Development
    • Emily Winnenberg, Director of Development
    • Pam Bennett, Clark County Extension Director
    • Eric Barrett, Mahoning County Extension Director

Attend the Philanthropy Session During the 2016 Extension Annual Conference

During the 2016 Extension Annual Conference (Dec 6-7), the CFAES Advancement team and select Extension Professionals will lead an education session on Philanthropy in Extension.

Please attend this session to hear:

  • Details about the e-Toolkit;
  • A current example of prospect identification and cultivation; and
  • Success stories about recently closed gifts that benefit Extension.

Information about the date and time of the session will be posted soon.