In collaboration with Smart City Columbus, Team L was tasked to build an Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV for short) that would be able to transport citizens of urban deserts, or areas that lack resources, to high income areas so that there is equal access to things like jobs, stores, and opportunities. After careful consideration, Team L determined that this vehicle must be reliable, fast, and cost-efficient. It must be able to pass multiple performance tests without fail, utilize energy and time on the track, and move quickly from one end of the track to the other. In order to prduce the best vehicle possible, Team L examined multiple factors that would impact performance such as reflectance sensors, use of prototyped parts, propeller size and placement, and code. After weeks of testing, collecting, and analyzing data, Team L has produced what they believe to be the optimal design:
This design is cost efficient: The capital cost is less than $150,000, and comes in as the second-lowest capital cost in the class, in part due to the generous grant proposal that the team received. It is reliable: the relfectance sensors perform every time, and this vehicle passed all three sets of performance tests consistently. This vehicle is energy efficient: it utilizes a pulling method of movement when no caboose is attached, and uses a pushing movement when there is a caboose. Additionally, due to the minimalist design and use of only one part as the base of the vehicle, it can be easily re-produced on a large scale; the vehicle can be made throughout the city of Columbus. Overall, the design created by Team L is the optimal design to use for the Advanced Energy Vehicle. This design should be chosen if the city of Columbus desires a safe, efficient, and innovative approach to solving the problem of the urban desert