Group F

Group F is a team dedicated to creating the safest and most efficient way to transport people from an area lacking basic resources to an area with a surplus of these same materials. This lack of resources is putting the residents in this area at a serious disadvantage. There is a lack of jobs in their area, causingĀ  many people to fall below the poverty line. Many have to commute long distances to have an occupation, which is very expensive when they have to go these distances every weekday 2 times a day. They also have a lack of groceries, therefore even the people who found employment within their area still have to spend their hard earned money on traveling these distances.

This is why Group F designed a vehicle that is as low cost as possible; to make transportation easily accessible for those who need it the most. This AEV is a hanging monorail design that can transport many people at once between these areas, without the inconsistencies of traffic. The low cost can be attributed to the lightweight design as minimal materials were used, also making it more aerodynamic and efficient. These factors also help the monorail to move faster than vehicles on the road, helping these people get to their jobs or wherever they are going as quickly as possible. Although the AEV is moving at high speeds and lightweight, it is very stable and 100% safe for travel. In fact, this system is safer than normal travel on roads and highways as there are no other vehicles on the track to potentially cause accidents. Overall, this system is more safe, efficient, and affordable than traveling by car or bus and will be extremely beneficial to everyone in the “urban desert” area.

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Evolution of Design

MCR Approach

Project Management

Team Working Agreement