Team Working Agreement

Ohio State Engineering

First-Year Engineering

Team-Working Agreement

Spring 2019

January 21, 2019


1. Group Information

Lab Section # 9533

Table Letter A

Instructor Denver Tang

GTA Rachel Warren


2. Contact Information

Preferred Method(s) of Contact texting

Expected response time(s) 24 hours

Table with Name and Contact Information

Celine Dagher 937-607-7075
Michael Schoenleb 614-632-4666
Andrew Gluvna 440-454-2767
Faraaz Shaik 614-381-6646
Kaylee Sabo 740-457-6250



  1. Team Goal

What are the team’s expectations of quality level? Top goals? Minimum acceptable goals?

Quality Level: our best work

Top Goals: to build the best AEV known to man

Minimum Acceptable Goals: to build the best AEV known to man

4. Meetings

Frequency – How often do you plan on meeting  to achieve your  goals? (Do you anticipate the    changing throughout the semester?) biweekly, yes we anticipate it changing

Primary Meeting Day/Time/Location Houston House, Tuesday, 6

Secondary Meeting Days/Times/Location Houston House, Sunday, 1-4

Individual(s) in charge of agenda(s) Kaylee

Individual(s) in charge of reminders(s) Faraaz

Individual(s) in charge of minutes(s) Andrew


5. General Team Member expectations

What are team member expectations regarding attendance? Be there if you can but let us know if you can’t

How are team members expected to behave during lab/class periods? With respect

How are team members expected to behave during team meetings? (What are the norms?) with respect and with energy

What are acceptable/unacceptable types of interaction?  Polite and professional interactions

What are team members meant to do between classes? Lab/class preparation? Any leftover work from team meetings and any preparation for next lab/class

How are team members meant to ensure the team stays on track? Use the group message to keep everyone accountable

How are documents expected to be shared? Buckeye Box

How many days before an assignment is due should everybody have their portion completed for review?  The night before

When should team members first notify the group if they are struggling? As soon as they struggle



  1. Individual Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines? What roles do team members have? Andrew – Secretary of Business Affairs, Faraaz – Chief of Operations, Michael – Chief Software Engineer, Celine – Team Leader, Kaylee – Chief Mechanic

How often will these roles/task rotate? we will help wherever needed


7. Conflict Resolution

Once the team goals, general member expectations, and individual team member responsibilities have been established, candid, non-threatening discussion must be held when the group or individuals are not meeting the agreed upon terms. How will team members above be held accountable? How will team members that are not meeting expectations (not contributing to the team effectively) be addressed? How will team members that are not interacting appropriately with team members be addressed? When is it okay to redefine goals, expectations, and responsibilities? When will UTAs, GTAs, or the instructor become involved?

All issues will be resolved through texts and in person and no one will be kept in the dark about resolutions. We will discuss problems and try to resolve them ourselves before we involve UTAs and GTAs.


8. Expectations  of Faculty and GTAs
If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.


9. Team Signatures