Performance Test 1 Code:
Reference: “Preliminary R&D” The Ohio State University, Jan. 2018
The code for Performance Test 1 was made for the AEV to travel down the first half of the track, stop at the stop sign for 7 seconds, and continue through the sign. The first thing the group needed to do when coding was reverse the direction of the motors because the marks were not counting correctly. When coding this section, the difficult part was getting the AEV to stop in a consistent place every time. After several times running different variations of the code, the group was able to make come up with a code that ran consistently.
Performance Test 1 Data:
The figure above shows the power vs distance graph for the first performance test which compared two different configurations of the AEV, one featuring the three inch propellers on the back (indicated by the blue line) and the other featuring the one inch propellers on the back (indicated by the red line). The three inch propeller configuration handled much better as its highest threshold for power was about 3 watts higher than the one inch propeller. During the trial runs to get this data the configuration with the one inch propellers could not make it up the incline and this is represented by the sections of the graph that are at zero.
The figure above shows the power vs time graph for the first performance test which is the same scenario for the first graph but using a different metric, this time with time as the x – axis. It can be noted from this graph that the three inch propeller configuration lasts considerably less time. This is due to that configuration actually completing the trail run and the one inch propeller struggling to generate enough power to get up the incline.