As some of you are aware, the Graduate School has been offering dissertation and thesis format reviews remotely during the pandemic. This process has worked really well, so much so that the option for a remote format review will now be standard. Students will need to submit a complete draft of their document to and Graduation Services staff will follow-up with the student concerning feedback about the formatting. PhD students of course will need to have the draft document submitted at least two weeks before their final defense. Master’s thesis students are not required to submit their draft thesis for a format review, but we highly encouraged them to do so to avoid problems when doing the final submission for graduation. Around the thesis defense is a good time for master’s students to have the review. In addition to the remote option, students can also still bring a complete paper draft of their dissertation/thesis document to the Graduate School in 247 University Hall for an in-person review. In-person reviews can be done on a walk-in basis from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday.
The new remote format review address with your PhD and master’s thesis students – .
Another policy that is extending beyond the pandemic and is now considered standard is the platform option for final exams. Exams can be conducted on-campus, remotely, or a hybrid. Remote and hybrid exams should follow the guidelines for videoconferencing as outlined in Appendix B of the Graduate School Handbook. The main point to remember is that all exam participants must be able to see and hear each other during the entire exam, so platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams are a good way to go. PhD students will designate the platform for their exams on the respective Application for Candidacy and Application for Final Exam on Gradforms. Petitions are not required for videoconferencing.