Summer 2024 Graduation Applications

Apply by Friday, May 24 in GRADFORMS

  • Schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor.
  • Review program plan/degree audit making sure you meet all requirements for graduation.
  • Use your program plan/degree audit to guide your discussion during appointment.
  • Register and pay for 3 graduate credit hours.
  • Make sure that you have no missing grades, incompletes, EN grades or holds on your account.
  • Submit your program plan to the student services office via email at
  • Based on graduation review/clearance, your application to graduate is either approved or denied in GRADFORMS.

All PhD and EdD students

  • Submit signed program plans and annual reviews via email at
  • Email confirmations can be used in lieu of signatures for students and advisors.
  • All course substitutions will need to be taken care of before submitting your program plan and annual reviews. You will need to let student services know in advance what courses were approved to be taken. Documentation/approval from your advisor for the substitution must be on file in the student services office.
  • Final semester procedures for doctoral students can be found on the Graduate School web site for procedures for your final semester.

All MA, MLT and EdS students 

  • Submit one of the following via email at A) Program plan or B) PDF version of Degree Audit. Students only need to submit one or the other. Learn how to run your degree here.
  • Email confirmations can be in lieu of signatures for students and advisors.
  • Degree Audit Only-Advisor Review is the only requirement that can be incomplete prior to submitting your audit; no other missing requirements should be on your audit.
  • All course substitutions will need to be taken care of before submitting your program plan/degree audit. You will need to let student services know in advance what courses were approved to be taken. Documentation/approval from your advisor for the substitution must be on file in the student services office.
  • Final semester procedures for master students can be found on the Graduate School web site for procedures for your final semester.

Dates to keep in mind (from the Grad School’s Graduation Calendar)

  • May 24, 2024  >> ONLINE Applications to Graduate. Final date set by Graduate School.
  • July 12, 2024 >> Master Examination Report Forms must be submitted electronically by the student’s advisors. Doctoral Examinations Report Forms must be completed and submitted electronically on or before the given date.
  • July 19, 2024 >> Approved thesis and dissertation documents (for PhD and Master’s with thesis option students) must be submitted and accepted. Students are encouraged to get the documents uploaded a day early in case they experience challenges with submissions.
  • August 4, 2024 >> Summer 2024 Commencement
  • August 19, 2024 >> End of Semester deadline

Apply to be on the Ed Studies Graduate Studies Committee

The committee is seeking a student member to serve a two-year term from May 2024 through May 2026. The Graduate Studies Committee carries out the functions of a Department graduate committee as outlined in the Graduate School Handbook. If you are interested in applying but have questions about the position, feel free to contact outgoing student member, Huy Nguyen. You can also reach out to Ryan Provost, director of student services and graduate studies.

Apply by April 17, 2024.


  • Must be a doctoral-level graduate student in the Department of Educational Studies.
  • Must be able to complete a two-year term (2024-2026). Students planning to graduate before Spring 2026 are not eligible.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Must be nominated by either a member of the Educational Studies faculty or by themselves.

Full details about the role and responsibilities of the Graduate Studies Committee can be found in the Grad School Handbook (section 13). Some general responsibilities include:

  • The GSC formulates rules and procedures relevant to its own graduate programs within the policies established by the Graduate Council and the Graduate Faculty members in the graduate program.
  • The GSC specifies admission criteria and admission credentials in addition to those required by the Graduate School.
  • The GSC reviews requests from current and former graduate students for changes in program, registration, and credits.
  • The GSC establishes and enforces rules, procedures, and practices consistent with high quality graduate programs.
  • The GSC enforces Graduate School rules regarding master’s and doctoral degree programs.
  • The GSC enforces Graduate School rules regarding graduate associates.
  • The GSC reviews graduate fellowship nominations and student award nominations.
  • The GSC reviews graduate-level program or course change requests.

Members of the Educational Studies Graduate Studies Committee are expected to:

  • Attend monthly meetings held during the academic year (September-May).
  • Review and be ready to discuss meeting items in preparation of monthly meetings.


  • April 17, 2024: Applications close.
  • April 23, 2024: Student member will be selected and notified.
  • May 3, 2024: New student member attends their first meeting.

Graduate Student Appreciation Week is April 1-5!

The EHE Graduate Student Advisory Council as well as all three EHE departments are sponsoring events for Graduate Student Appreciation Week, April 1-5! Help us show appreciation to our graduate students throughout the week by taking a few minutes to send a message of gratitude here:

2024 EHE Grad Student Appreciation Week Events Flyer

Additionally, all Ohio State graduate students can participate in the following opportunities:

Graduate School Events

Office of Student Life Events

Reminders for Ed Studies Students Graduating Spring 2024

Spring 2024 commencement is fast approaching! In order to ensure you are able to participate in graduation events it is important to follow the university’s Final Semester Procedures and Timelines and graduation calendar to make sure you don’t miss any important deadlines.

Examinations and reports on examinations and documents must be completed by next Friday, April 12. This includes approval from all committee members, so please ensure they are aware and provide their responses promptly.

PhD students and Masters students pursuing a thesis option must have their final document submitted and accepted by Friday, April 19. The documents must be submitted via OhioLink.

If you miss these deadlines, you have until Monday, May 6 to have everything submitted and approved in time for the End-of-Semester deadline. By doing this, your official graduation will move to Summer, but you will not be required to apply for graduation again or register for any courses during the Summer term. End-of-Semester students who complete all requirements for graduation before Wednesday, May 1 are invited to participate the Education and Human Ecology Commencement Ceremony on May 1, but will not be able to receive their diploma or officially graduate until summer term.

Finally, make sure to RSVP to attend the Education and Human Ecology Commencement Ceremony by Monday, April 19. The college-specific event will be held on Wednesday, May 1 at Mershon Auditorium. If you did not receive an email invitation and will be graduating this Spring, please contact Ryan Provost. We also encourage you to keep up with information about Ohio State’s commencement on Sunday, May 5.

If you’re no longer able to graduate in Spring or meet the End-of-Semester deadline and need to move to a Summer graduation, you’ll want to do the following:

  • Email to cancel/withdraw your application for Spring.
  • Register for 3 credit hours for Summer (pay tuition and fees).
  • Re-apply for Summer 2024 Graduation by the 3rd Friday of the term.

Please reach out to the Educational Studies Office of Student Services and Graduate Studies with any questions at

EHE Graduate Student Writing Group Spring 2024


The EHE Graduate Student Writing Group will resume every Wednesday and Thursday beginning next Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from 6:30 am until 8 am EST. To remind you, this group is open to all students and faculty who benefit from structured writing. It’s a simple setup… log in, write quietly for 90 minutes, and log off. There is no coaching or discussion on your writing skills, just a quiet writing accountability space. Take advantage of this time to work on a manuscript, class assignment, dissertation, conference proposal, etc. Please share this within your networks. Happy writing!


Topic: EHE Graduate Student Writing Group

Time: Every Wednesday and Thursday beginning January 31, 2024, from 6:30 am until 8 am


Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 965 0276 1885

Password: 281561

Make Your Plan for Comps, Candidacy, and Your Final Semester!

Are you planning for your candidacy exams? Do you know what it means to be a doctoral candidate? Are you a graduate student preparing for your final semester? All of these processes can be confusing for both students and faculty advisors. Join us for events designed to answer common questions, clarify important dates and deadlines, and outline policies and procedures to make processes more simple and easy to understand.

Time to Graduate! Your Guide to the Final Semester

For all graduate students planning to graduate this spring
All events on Zoom
Click the link below to register

Preparing for Comps and Candidacy


For all doctoral students planning to complete their candidacy exams soon
All events on Zoom
Click the link below to register


EHE Dissertation Applications Due January 19

The College of Education and Human Ecology, in partnership with the Educational Studies Graduate Studies Committee , awards graduate dissertation research fellowships each academic year, based on availability of funds. The intent of the Dissertation Fellowships is to support outstanding students in the completion of their programs, by allowing them to focus on their dissertation research.

Doctoral students who have successfully passed candidacy or will be in candidacy beginning in Summer 2024.
Please follow these instructions when assembling your application.

Application Requirements

Cover letter that includes the following information:

  • Name.
  • Department.
  • Program area.
  • Degree.
  • Address.
  • Work telephone.
  • Home telephone.
  • Email.
  • Major advisor.
  • GPA.
  • Date candidacy exam completed or when scheduled.
  • Date application submitted.
  • Signature.

Research Proposal
Up to a 6-page proposal (excluding references and appendix section), single-spaced, 12-point font, of the student’s dissertation research which must include the following sections:

  • Background and significance.
  • Data collection plan.
  • Research design and methods.
  • Timeline for proposed research.

Advisor Letter
Letter of support from the major advisor that:

  • Confirms that the submitted proposal is the basis for the dissertation research and that funds for conducting the planned project are available, if necessary (indicate source of such funds).
  • Comments on the student’s research performance to date, and quality and potential impact of the proposed research.
  • Comments on the proposed timeline for the dissertation research and the students’ readiness to undertake the planned project.
  • Comments on the how the student aligns with the department’s mission statement.
  • Indicates expectations for the student’s post-doctoral career and the likelihood of the student’s future success in their scholarly field.

Recommendation Letters
Recommendation letters from two faculty members other than the major advisor that:

  • Comments on the student’s research performance and the quality of the proposed research plan.
  • Indicates expectations and likelihood of success for student’s post-doctoral career.

Curriculum Vita
Curriculum vita containing information on:

  • Peer-reviewed publications; manuscripts that have been submitted and are under review by application deadline should be listed, including abstracts and proceedings (indicate whether peer-reviewed).
  • Presentations at professional conferences.
  • Recognition, honors, and awards (local and national).
  • Involvement in professional and community organizations.

Advising Report
Advising Report from Graduate School (log into Buckeye Link to retrieve your advising report)

Application Deadline and Submission Information

Email the entire PDF (without the letters of recommendations) application packet by 5 p.m. EST, Friday, January 19, 2024, to

Faculty who are writing letters of recommendation can send them separately to

Spring 2024 Graduation Applications

Apply by Friday, January 26 in GRADFORMS

  • Schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor.
  • Review program plan/degree audit making sure you meet all requirements for graduation.
  • Use your program plan/degree audit to guide your discussion during appointment.
  • Register and pay for 3 graduate credit hours.
  • Make sure that you have no missing grades, incompletes, EN grades or holds on your account.
  • Submit your program plan to the student services office via email at
  • Based on graduation review/clearance, your application to graduate is either approved or denied in GRADFORMS.

All PhD and EdD students

  • Submit signed program plans and annual reviews via email at
  • Email confirmations can be used in lieu of signatures for students and advisors.
  • All course substitutions will need to be taken care of before submitting your program plan and annual reviews. You will need to let student services know in advance what courses were approved to be taken. Documentation/approval from your advisor for the substitution must be on file in the student services office.
  • Final semester procedures for doctoral students can be found on the Graduate School web site for procedures for your final semester.

All MA, MLT and EdS students 

  • Submit one of the following via email at A) Program plan or B) PDF version of Degree Audit. Students only need to submit one or the other. Learn how to run your degree here.
  • Email confirmations can be in lieu of signatures for students and advisors.
  • Degree Audit Only-Advisor Review is the only requirement that can be incomplete prior to submitting your audit; no other missing requirements should be on your audit.
  • All course substitutions will need to be taken care of before submitting your program plan/degree audit. You will need to let student services know in advance what courses were approved to be taken. Documentation/approval from your advisor for the substitution must be on file in the student services office.
  • Final semester procedures for master students can be found on the Graduate School web site for procedures for your final semester.

Dates to keep in mind (from the Grad School’s Graduation Calendar)

  • January 26, 2024  >> ONLINE Applications to Graduate. Final date set by Graduate School.
  • April 12, 2024 >> Master Examination Report Forms must be submitted electronically by the student’s advisors. Doctoral Examinations Report Forms must be completed and submitted electronically on or before the given date.
  • April 19, 2024 >> Approved thesis and dissertation documents (for PhD and Master’s with thesis option students) must be submitted and accepted. Students are encouraged to get the documents uploaded a day early in case they experience challenges with submissions.
  • May 1, 2024 >> EHE Commencement for Master’s, Specialist and Doctoral Graduates
  • May 5, 2024 >> Spring 2024 Commencement
  • May 6, 2024 >> End of Semester deadline

Ed Studies is Hiring! Senior Academic Program Services Specialist Position Open

The Department of Educational Studies is hiring a Senior Academic Program Services Specialist. The ideal candidate for this position has a strong background working with college students and is familiar with recruitment, admissions, and academic advising processes in a higher education institution.

Under the direction and supervision of the Director of Student Services, this position focuses on providing an opportunity for a talented candidate to oversee and develop the programs in the Student Services area affiliated with the Recruitment, Orientation, and Retention of Graduate Students for Educational Studies. This includes developing and implementing a strategic recruitment plan that includes both in-state and out-of-state travel with some weekend and evening hours, including in-person and online recruiting events to generate interest and enrollment in Educational Studies academic programs; create on-campus recruiting initiatives in collaboration with the department; implement and manage a communications plan including social media for recruiting at colleges, universities, and K-12 schools in collaboration with the Director, develop recruitment materials in partnership with the college development office, supervise and manage special events for recruiting; oversee the day-to-day office communication and administer informational materials for the department, students, and staff; oversee listserv management for current and prospective students, direct communication with applicants and admitted students; advise prospective students expressing an interest in our graduate programs, approve and manage the transfer of graduate credit process, support department leadership with course promotion and registration and enrollment, oversee and manage special programs and degree enhancements such as graduate minors, graduate interdisciplinary specializations, and graduate certificates, create strategic recruitment partnerships across programs in the department; measure and evaluate the success of recruitment programs, communications, and special projects; collaborate with the Admissions Specialist to monitor matriculation of students, communicate with faculty about matriculated students, supervise the rollout of the online new student orientation, and arrange student services staff visits to program orientations.

Applications will be open until November 8, 2023.


Internal Ohio State applicants:$392530/9925$197827.htmld

External applicants:

Questions? Contact Ryan Provost at