Shared Service Arrangements

Center for Public Policy and Health at Kent State University:

  1. Shared Services Involving Local Health Departments: A Bibliography of
    References from Ohio and Elsewhere.
  2. Environmental Scan: A Brief Overview of Findings from Scholarly and Professional Work on Shared Services Relevant to Local Public Health in Ohio and Beyond.
  3. Shared Services Toolkit: A case study toolkit to assist LHDs in thinking about how to make greater use of shared services approaches in their ongoing operations.
  4. Recorded Webinar – Shared Services in Ohio: Ideas and Examples for Local Health Departments in Ohio.

Center for Sharing Public Health Services: The CSPHS serves as a national resource on cross jurisdictional sharing, building the evidence and producing and disseminating tools, methods, and models to assist public health agencies and policymakers as they consider and adopt cross-jurisdictional sharing approaches.

Roadmap to Develop Cross – Jurisdictional Sharing Initiatives – Developed by the Center for Sharing Public Health Services.

ophp-logoOhio Public Health Partnership – 21st Century Project: The Ohio Public Health Partnership has received funding for Ohio from the Public Health National Center for Innovations (PHNCI), at the Public Health Accreditation Board, to test and implement strategies to adopt foundational public health services statewide.