Journey to a Quality Management Culture: one hour online webinar, part of a hot topics series, profiling leaders from Washington State
Michigan Public Heath Institute – Office of Accreditation & Quality Improvement: free online training and supplemental resources addressing performance measures and quality improvement basics; includes practitioner’s QI guidebook
Minnesota Dept. of Health QI Resources & Tools: one stop shop for a toolbox of QI and performance management resources such as sample AIM statements, common QI tools, storyboard examples, templates, and more!
NACCHO Roadmap to a Culture of Quality Improvement: guidance for progressing through six phases of QI integration until a culture of quality has been achieved
NACCHO Quality Improvement Resources: tips and guidelines including building and sustaining a culture of quality, how to develop a QI plan, how to develop a QI governance structure, providing QI training to staff, and selecting and implementing QI projects
Center for Public Health Practice, Ohio State University: template teams can use to create a quality improvement plan for their agency; includes a supplemental user guide