With funding from the Ohio Local Public Health Accreditation Support Project the Ohio Public Health Association (OPHA) created the Accredited Community of Practice (ACP). This group was formed as part of the Accreditation and Performance Improvement section of the OPHA. The ACP focuses on the needs of accredited health departments, as their challenges are different than those of health departments in earlier stages of the accreditation process.
The first order of the ACP was to conduct a needs assessment to identify the training and technical assistance needs of accredited health departments, specifically around reaccreditation challenges. The results of the needs assessment are highlighted in the one page document below.
In order to sustain the ACP, beyond the support project, a sustainability plan was created. This plan will be reviewed annually and will be revised as needed each year.
For information about the ACP visit https://ohiopha.org/about-opha/sections/accreditation/or contact OPHA at ohiopha@gmail.com.