Division D


to Division D of Bevis Devise Inc.

Our goal is to develop an AEV for Columbus Department of Transportation. Our design will promote the common goals of modern technology while staying feasible for the public. The people of Linden and other neighborhood are inconvenienced by the lack of transportation to commercial areas. In order to tackle the problem properly, we have priorities for this endeavor. Our design looks to be effective in four interconnected areas:

  • Weight
  • Energy
  • Cost
  • Coding

While continuing to maintain the utmost safety and reliability Belvis Devise Inc. is known for. We put these before all other to insure that our project is the most practical while maintaining affordability. Maintaining energy efficiency make the vehicle last longer while being environmentally friendly. Being lightweight will allow our device to be malleable in a way other AEVs cannot be. An emphasis on coding will also allow changes to be made at the push of a button.


Here at Bevise Devise Division D we’re known for our break throughs. We are proud to announce that our final AEV design completed testing is the most efficient and effective in its section. Our 60 Joules and 45 seconds compete well with the section average of 197 Joules and 55 seconds. During convention at the AEV competition, our poster was awarded 1st prize. Our product guarantees performance and satisfaction. Thank you for choosing us!

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