Meeting Minutes #16 – #18

Meeting 16:

Date:  April 2nd, 2018

Location/Time:  4:10 PM, Hitchcock Hall Room 308

Members Present:  Cory Finger, Mark Ma, Shamik Raje

Topics Discussed:  Performance Test 3



Today’s main focus was to test the AEV on performance test 3, and to figure out better time and power parameters in order to get a more accurate and stable performance. Later the group would agree on Progress Report 3 individual labors.


To Do/Action Items:

Meeting Minutes #16:  Mark Ma

Performance Test 3: All

Progress Report 3 — Backward Looking (Introduction): Cory Finger

Progress Report 3 — Backward Looking (Result): Mark Ma

Progress Report 3 — Forward Looking: Shamik Raje


Lab Activities

The group worked on the previous program designed for Performance Test 3. During first several runs the AEV’s performance was smooth and stable, but in the second half of the class period, the performance of AEV became unstable, unpredictable, and not accurate. The group would work to solve this problem in the next class period.


Results and Reflections:

  • The performance of AEV in the first half of class period was stable, but it became inaccurate and unstable in the second half of class.
  • The optimized parameters for the AEV to catch the caboose smoothly were figured out.


Meeting 17:

Date:  April 4th, 2018

Location/Time:  4:10 PM, Hitchcock Hall Room 308

Members Present:  Cory Finger, Mark Ma, Shamik Raje

Topics Discussed:  Performance Test 3



Today’s main focus was to test the program for Performance Test 3, and to discuss methods to enhance project accuracy and efficiency.


To Do/Action Items:

Meeting Minutes #17:  Mark Ma

Performance Test 3: All

Final Oral Presentation Draft: All


Lab Activities

Using the program developed till last class period, the group tested the AEV and figured out optimized power and time parameters to catch the caboose and carry it together back to the gate smoothly. However, after several test runs, the AEV’s performance became unstable. Through looking into the AEV Performance Analysis, the group found out the reason was that the power supplied to the motors in different runs was not a constant, thus causing errors when time-based methods were running. The group decided to change all time-based methods to position-based methods in order to be more accurate and stable.


Results and Reflections:

  • The time-based methods in the program were a solid reason for unstable performance.
  • The group decided to change all time-based methods to position-based methods.


Meeting 18:

Date:  April 9th, 2018

Location/Time:  4:10 PM, Hitchcock Hall Room 308

Members Present:  Cory Finger, Mark Ma, Shamik Raje

Topics Discussed:  Performance Test 3



Today’s main focus was to work on the rest part of the oral presentation draft, and continue testing the program for Performance Test 3.


To Do/Action Items:

Meeting Minutes #18:  Mark Ma

Performance Test 3: All

Final Oral Presentation Draft: All


Lab Activities

Today the group mainly worked together on the final presentation draft. After finishing that, the group tested the program for several runs. When the AEV started, there would be a position-constrained, instead of a time-constrained method, to have the AEV run to desired position.


Results and Reflections:

  • Position-constrained methods were adapted and tested.