AEV Research Findings

Motor Position

In this test, the motor positioning was evaluated to determine which position would result in the least amount of energy consumption. Three positions on the AEV were tested and the wings on the final design were extended to accommodate for these tests. The motor position closest to the track arm proved to be the most efficient.


Energy measurements for motor position


Motor Power

For this test, the most efficient engine power was determined. Engine powers were tested from 20 to 40 percent in increments of 5. The lowest points of energy consumption were between 20% and 25% along with 35% and 40% power. Knowing this, powers were tested between these ranges in increments of 1. It was concluded that the most efficient powers were 25% and 36%. Although 25% power consumed less energy than 36% power, the AEV used less energy going up slopes at 36%. As a result, 36% power was determined to be the most consistently efficient motor power.


Energy measurements for 20% – 40% power


Energy measurements for 35% – 40% power


Break Power

In this test, the most efficient engine power used to bring the AEV to a complete stop was determined. Brake powers from 20 to 45 percent in increments of 5. The most efficient power level was determined to be within 40 and 45 percent. The power levels were then individually tested in increments of 1. 40% power was determined to be the most efficient braking power.


Energy measurements for 25% – 45% power