
3/4/19: Finish testing motor capacity for 25% and 30%.

3/6/19: Begin testing motor quantity for 1 and 2 motors. Ryan will start making the graphs for the motor capacity data which will go on the website.

3/7/19: Finish testing motor quantity for 1 and 2 motors and begin making the graphs for the data of motor quantity to put on the website. Start analyzing the data from motor capacity and if time allows, also from motor quantity.

3/18/19: Begin performance testing on AEV. The vehicle must stop at the gate, wait 7 seconds, and then proceed through the gate.

Begin progress report 2

Start getting organized for the oral presentation of analysis of data collected during testing.

3/20/19: Performance test is graded. Start making revisions and adding  to coding for the second performance test. The AEV must stop at the gate, wait 7 seconds, go through the gate and connect to the caboose, then move back a little bit with the caboose still attached. Go over oral presentation in the group.

3/21/18: Go over roles for the presentation. R&D oral presentation is given.

3/25/19: Continue making revisions for the second performance test.

3/27/19: Performance test 2 is graded. Do team evaluation 2 on CATME. Begin CDR draft.

3/28/19:  Committee meeting 2. CDR draft due today. Start programming for the final performance test. The AEV must go up to the gate, stop for 7 seconds, proceed through the gate to the caboose, connect and pause for 5 seconds, go to the gate with the caboose, wait 7 seconds, proceed through the gate and land in the starting dock.

4/1/19: Continue programming for final testing and aR&D 3.

Start progress report 3

4/3/19: Continue programming for final testing. Finish testing for aR&D 3.

4/4/19: Progress report 3 due. Continue programming for final testing.

Start final oral presentation draft

4/8/19: Get feedback from final oral presentation draft that is due today. Continue programming for final performance test.

4/10/19: Continue programming for final performance test.

4/11/19: Final performance test.

Begin working on final oral presentation, final CDR, and final website update.

4/15/19: Continue working on final CDR and final website update. FInal oral presentation poster due.

4/17/19: Continue working on CDR and final website update. Complete final team evaluation.

4/18/19: Final oral presentation. CDR and final website update due. Final oral presentation.