Module 3

The most useful thing that I learned in Module 3 is that it’s actually a lot easier to stay organized and use your time wisely than I previously thought. Making a weekly calendar is what I plan on doing from now on to help with my school work and also other life plans. I took a class during the spring semester similar to this one, where we also did a similar assignment tracking our hours of the day in hopes of keeping your life organized. I decided to not continue with the calendar approach after the assignment we did and looking back it wasn’t a great idea. There were times last semester where I forgot about an assignment or lost track of what I had planned for the future. This time I am really going to stick with it, and hopefully I begin to see it paying off in my life. Some advice that I’d give to future students especially those just entering college would be to make sure you stay organized. In college there are a lot of things going on between school, clubs, social life, etc. that you should do your best to stay organized, it will pay off.

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