Here at Ohio State, our ASCE Student Chapter likes to have companies send a speaker to talk about their organization or some projects they may be working on. These events provide outside experience and information about civil engineering that members would not receive inside a classroom, creating a more balanced student. Alongside companies, events that help give students insight into applying for jobs, graduate school, a lecture series, or research are also encouraged.
A speaker event typically lasts 30-45 minutes with extra time being set aside for questions. They are held in a room with projector and computer access, and food is always ordered as incentive. If you or your company is interested in speaking to our chapter, please contact our Vice President, Jerome Goodloe Jr., at and they will help organize the event. These events would be an incredible learning experience for our chapter, and would also provide your company an opportunity to talk to our members interested in potentially working for you.
Some suggestions for events are as follows:
- About Your Company
- About Projects
- Tips for Entering the Working World
- Your Personal, Individual Experience in Civil Engineering
- Tours of Job Sites
- Mock Interviews
- Resume Reviews
- Lecture Series