STEM Teaching with Agriculture – Existing Resources

Having quality resources available to teachers is one mechanism to encourage STEM-teaching with the use of agricultural examples. The goal of this post is to compile a useful list of resources that exist to help teachers find relevant modules (outside of those that can be found within older posts in this site). This is by no means a complete list containing all of the content that exists, but hopefully some of the populated resources will be useful to teachers looking for something new. The bullet list below will contain a brief summary of the material you may find on the site, and the direct link to access the resource. Resources below are arranged alphabetically for ease of navigation within this post.

  • Ag in the Classroom – Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix: The National Agriculture in the Classroom host a curriculum matrix where teachers can search for lessons based on grade level, subject matter, or topic. Site URL:
  • Agronomy 4 Me: Lessons compiled by the American Society of Agronomy to assist teachers with using agriculture in the classroom. Additional resource links to additional curriculum-hosting sites are provided as well. Site URL:
  • Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMAST): The CeMAST Group at Illinois State, while focusing on mainly math education modules, had some involvement with plant-related science curriculum generation. The main product developed was a class game called “Plants v. Profits” and it uses plant systems for rotation planning and examining economics. Site URL:
  • GrowNextGen: Units, lessons, and laboratory activities have been designed to study agriculture with an emphasis on connections to soy and soybean production. Lesson topics range from soils, digital agriculture and engineering, through plant production all the way to soybean end use in the bioindustry and study of bioeconomies. Teachers can use this site to search for specific curriculum types, subject matter, or grade level. Site URL:
  • Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom: The KFAC group hosts a site that contains multiple agriculturally-relevant lesson plants that align with the Next Generation Science Standards. Lesson plans, virtual tours, educator guides are all included within their site and can be searched for by subject matter, grade level, and agricultural topic. Site URL:
  • Institute for Native-serving Educators (Northern Arizona University): Culturally-responsive curricular modules have been developed by participants withing Northern Arizona University’s Institute for Native-serving Educators, with modules that support Math and Science education as well as other topic areas such as Health.  Site URL:
  • W.K. Kellogg Biological Station (Michigan State University): A host of lessons have been developed related to agriculture, evolution and ecology for K-12 education. Many of these relate to invasive species, ecological interactions, and agriculture. Site URL: 
  • Nourish the Future: Phenomena, units, and lessons related to six main topic areas of biotechnology, energy and biofuels, crop production, human populations, soils, and water quality. Content developed focuses mostly on middle and high school curriculum, and focuses mainly on corn and soybean-related content. Lessons are geared to align with Next Generation Science Standards. Site URL:
  • Ohio Corn Education: Developed lessons that can be used to teach about soils, water quality, agricultural production, and biotechnology and bioenergy (ethanol). Emphasis is placed on corn production systems. Site URL:
  • Phenomena in Agriculture: Teaching through the use of Phenomenon-Based Learning lends itself well to agricultural examples. Here is a site where they have identified multiple agriculturally-related phenomenon, and provided base lesson plans on ways to utilize the identified phenomenon. Examples range from natural resources/the environment through plant and animal-based agricultural systems. Site URL:
  • Pollinators: The Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State University has developed a searchable site of classroom materials to help teach about agriculture, pollinators, and fruit/vegetable production. Most materials are developed for elementary education. Site URL:
  • Soils 4 Teachers: The Soil Science Society of America has worked to compile a searchable database containing various lessons, units, videos, and activities related to soil-centric topics such as formation, biology, chemistry, forensics/archaeology, climate, and art/culture. Database is searchable by content, resource type and grade level. Site URL:
  • Seed Your Future: Provides resources such as webinars, horticulture career information, blog posts, contests for students working with plants, and a collection of plant time-lapse videos. Site URL:
  • The Land Institute: Lessons for high school educators have been developed that connect classroom content expectations to the example of the perennial grain crop called Kernza. Lessons include economics/supply chains, breeding, climate, and human interactions. Site URL:

This post and activity was made possible in part thanks to funding from USDA-NIFA Education Workforce and Development program, Award 2021-67037-34217.

4-H, FFA, and Agriscience Curricular Resources on Oilseed Pennycress

Oilseed pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) is a crop in the early stages of release for production in parts of the U.S. This crop has potential to act as a winter annual crop with seeds to be harvested and pressed for oil extraction and use in biofuels. Because it is planted in the fall, overwinters, and is harvested for grain in the spring/early summer, planting it in rotations with corn and soybeans has potential to minimize the time a field is without a living crop during the winter. As part of the Integrated Pennycress Research Enabling Farm & Energy Resilience (IPREFER) program funded by USDA-NIFA, the multi-institution group has been generating curricular materials that help highlight the utility of this crop. Be sure to check back to this page as more materials will be generated and posted!

Agriscience Resources:

4-H Project Book – Cover Crop Science (Illinois certified, pending national peer-review):

4-H Idea Starter – Crop Production (Ohio, Peer-reviewed):

This post and the IPREFER project is supported by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant No. 2019-69012-29851 from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the USDA.

Ag is STEM Materials – Session 3: Genes and Genetics

In this section you will find the resources from March 4, 2022 from our Ag is STEM session focusing on Genes and Genetics. This project was funded by the AFRI Education Workforce and Development Program from USDA-NIFA, Project 2021-67067-34217. Below you will find all materials associated with our pre-made modules presented at our third development session. Our focus is on providing professional development opportunities related to agriculture for K-12 teachers at three unique sessions. Modules and resources from Session 1: Ecology can be found here, and from Session 2: Nutrients can be found here.

  1. Introduction – Session 3 slideset (.pptx)
  2. Topic Area 1: Genetics and Breeding
  3. Topic Area 2: Herbicide Resistance in Weeds
  4. Additional Resources and Industry Professionals (google doc)

Ag is STEM Materials – Session 2: Nutrients

In this section you will find the resources from January 21, 2022 from our Ag is STEM session focusing on Nutrients. This project was funded by the AFRI Education Workforce and Development Program from USDA-NIFA, Project 2021-67067-34217. Below you will find all materials associated with our pre-made modules presented at our second development session. Our focus is on providing professional development opportunities related to agriculture for K-12 teachers at three unique sessions. Modules and resources from Session 1: Ecology can be found here.

  1. Introduction – Session 2 slideset (.pptx)
  2. Topic Area 1: Plant Nutrient Composition
  3. Topic Area 2: Fertilizers
  4. Topic Area 3: Hydroponics
  5. Additional Resources and Industry Professionals (google doc)

Ag is STEM Materials – Session 1: Ecological Concepts

In this section you will find the resources from October 8, 2021 from our Ag is STEM session focusing on Ecological Concepts. This project was funded by the AFRI Education Workforce and Development Program from USDA-NIFA, Project 2021-67067-34217. Below you will find all materials associated with our pre-made modules presented at our first development session. The focus of these sessions is on providing professional development opportunities related to agriculture for K-12 teachers.

  1. Introduction slideset (.pptx)
  2. Topic Area 1: Ecosystem Comparisons
  3. Topic Area 2: Ecosystem Services
  4. Topic Area 3: Ecosystem Dynamics
  5. Additional Resources and Industry Professionals (google doc)

Tech in Ag Workshop Materials

Below, please find the resources related to our Tech in Ag workshops as funded by USDA-NIFA PD-STEP Award 2017-68010-25959. Workshops were originally offered from 2017-2019, and the materials generated as part of these workshops can be found here. Below, there are components as presented at the workshops:

  1. Introduction to Ohio agriculture and modern career opportunities (1 – Ohio Agriculture Background and Careers pptx)
  2. Materials related to soil nutrients, nutrient cycling, and using crop sensors to quantify nutrients
  3. Materials related to seeding rate and planting date impacts on crop growth and development
  4. Materials related to cover crop use
  5. Materials related to data analysis and statistics

Data generated from Activities in 2, 3, and 4 can be found in this Google Sheet:

Two additional extension presentations related to corn and soybean production can be found here:

Feel free to explore and utilize these materials in your classrooms!

Materials were constructed with the help of Education Projects and Partnerships, LLC (