Ag is STEM Materials – Session 2: Nutrients

In this section you will find the resources from January 21, 2022 from our Ag is STEM session focusing on Nutrients. This project was funded by the AFRI Education Workforce and Development Program from USDA-NIFA, Project 2021-67067-34217. Below you will find all materials associated with our pre-made modules presented at our second development session. Our focus is on providing professional development opportunities related to agriculture for K-12 teachers at three unique sessions. Modules and resources from Session 1: Ecology can be found here.

  1. Introduction – Session 2 slideset (.pptx)
  2. Topic Area 1: Plant Nutrient Composition
  3. Topic Area 2: Fertilizers
  4. Topic Area 3: Hydroponics
  5. Additional Resources and Industry Professionals (google doc)

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