The Secret On How To Ace Large Multiple Choice Tests

Every spring for the last dozen years, I have taught and graded a giant introductory course with enrollments anywhere from 180 to 450 students. Over the years, many students have asked me the same question; “How can I improve my score on the exams?” This blog provides one of the secrets that I have learned on how to ace large multiple choice tests. Continue reading The Secret On How To Ace Large Multiple Choice Tests

Will Flipped Classes Become Widespread In Colleges?

Recently I went to a conference that explored new ideas in teaching.  A very interesting seminar discussed “Flipped Classrooms.”  In a traditional classroom the teacher first presents the material in class.  Then students go home, review the material, and do problems and other homework that reinforce the concepts.  A flipped classrooms is the exact opposite.  Students first learn the material at home before coming to the class that present the materials.  In class the students do problems to reinforce what was learned before class time.  Continue reading Will Flipped Classes Become Widespread In Colleges?

Advice for First Time College Students

Summer is over and another college year is starting.  The campus is full of eager first time students.  Unfortunately, some of these new scholars will drop out, be asked to leave or simply disappear before the academic year is over.  I have noticed that students who do three simple things have a much better chance of academic success. Continue reading Advice for First Time College Students