It is the new year and pundits across the globe are making their future predictions. Fear will be the key business and economic trend in 2016 – though it shouldn’t be. Continue reading What Will Be THE Big Business and Economic Trend in 2016?
What Should I Take To Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro?
In October my wife and I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. A friend is contemplating doing the same climb and asked me for some advice on the type of gear he should use while climbing the Mountain so I am writing this for both him and anyone else interested in the climb. I am a 50+ year old college professor, not a professional climber or guide. This means the below suggestions might not match the route or conditions that you will encounter. We did a six day-five night climb with the African Walking Company up the Rongai Route, which goes up the north side of the mountain. Continue reading What Should I Take To Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro?