Career Exploration

Right now, I am in the reality testing step of the career exploration process. I have found both the things I am good at and the things I like to do, and am attempting to merge them into one career: art therapy. The way I came about this career is actually quite random, but it suites me exceedingly well. I was at work one day, and all of my coworkers who were in college were discussing their majors and their futures. They turned to me and asked the million dollar question: “what career are you going to pursue?”.  This question was starting to really get under my skin, as I was only a junior in high school at the time and got asked about my future at every family and social event a person could name. I told them my typical answer, “I have no idea”. Instead of just nodding their heads and moving on like the rest of the world always seemed to, they paused and then decided to actually help me brainstorm ideas. We then discussed what I was both good at and fond of, and then one of my coworkers asked if I had ever looked into art therapy. My mouth got quite wide as she asked, because I truthfully had never heard of such a thing. As soon as she said it, I knew exactly what I would try to pursue. I started doing loads upon loads of research for what it would take to become an art therapist. From completing this workshop, I actually learned that I know myself fairly well.

As soon as I found out that art therapy was an occupation, I felt as if I knew exactly what I was made to do. My code from the RIASEC test is ASI. This makes perfect sense for me, as I am highly artistic, I love getting to know people, and I also have an intellectual side. The second occupation listed by O*Net for my code was art therapist. I think seeing that was enough to know that I am in fact in the right place as a psychology major. Even if I do not choose to be an art therapist, there were many other careers I have thought about pursuing listed by the website. These included art therapist, music therapist, substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselor, sociologist, counseling psychologist, mental health counselor, and clinical psychologist. These recommendations are perfectly in line with my current academic plans. I am currently majoring in psychology and minoring in art. I learned a few days ago that, since I came in with a decent amount of credit hours from my AP classes, it is likely that I will be done with all of my major and minor coursework by the end of my third year as a buckeye. There is a possibility that I will double major, study abroad, or even secure an internship for my final year at Ohio State. There is also a possibility of graduating early, but determining that will likely occur at a later date. My academic advisor said we would talk about what I could do later, but I am very excited to see the options I will have. Without taking that undetermined year into account, I plan on taking four years at Ohio State, then going on to graduate school to secure my masters degree.

According to what I already know about the field of art therapy, and backed by O*Net, art therapy has a very bright outlook. Although I sometimes am interested in other classes, I always go back to psychology. It is where I feel I fit in, and I truly feel as though it is where I am meant to be. I love helping others. I also feel as though I could talk to anyone, and still have a meaningful conversation. It is hard to explain. If there is anything that I have learned, it is that art truly has a positive effect on people. The term “art” is also extremely broad. Most people might think of drawing or painting, but it can be much more than that. As my current plan, I will focus on my studies and continue to explore different classes though the GE’s I choose. An important note is that my future is not determined by what career I choose. I truthfully do not care about the size of my house or the money in my pocket. I care about making a lasting impact on the world, and connecting with people in a way that will leave their lives changed for the better.

One thought on “Career Exploration

  1. Carol,

    I’m so glad the career workshop helped solidify your plans a little bit! Art therapy really does sound like an amazing career 🙂


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