Non-Profits Reflection

Based upon what I heard in class from our guest speakers, many of my previous thoughts about non-profits have been confirmed. One of the largest problems that both speakers discussed was funding. Neither organization could say for sure that they had a sufficient amount of money that they could use to run their organization, or that funding would always be around for them to use at will. They also said that, with non-profits, it can be very difficult in general to deal with money, as many times federal grants must be used a certain way. Each speaker also discussed the necessity of regularly scheduled volunteers. It was obvious that, even if sometimes people want to get involved with their issue, the time commitment would likely scare them off or prevent them from helping at their fullest potential.

An additional thing to consider when exploring my issue will be how to get people involved with my issue without a large time commitment or at a low cost. My biggest takeaways from this class session were that 1) money matters, and 2) people may want to help, but may not always have the time to do so. After my initial assignment on this lens and the discussion we took part in during class, I would like to personally get people involved with my issue, and make them feel as though they can make a difference without too much of a time commitment. I’m not yet sure what this entails, but I am excited to see where this idea leads me.

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