Noxious Weeds in Cover Crop Seed and Seed Germination
By: Alexander Lindsey, Laura Lindsey, Mark Loux, Anne Dorrance, Stan Smith, John Armstrong Seed quality is key to establishing a good crop (or cover crop). Some of the critical components of seed quality are percent germination, mechanical analysis for purity…
Considerations for Using Soybeans as a Cover Crop
By: Laura Lindsey, Ohio State University From the USDA RMA website ( “Q. Can I plant a cover crop of the same crop I was prevented from planting? Or in other words, can I use the seed I have on…
Addressing 2019 Agricultural Challenges
Has the 2019 season left you with more questions than answers? Check out and connect with resources provided by Ohio State University Extension. This new website features a Frequently Asked Question page, with the opportunity to submit your own…
Recap of “Managing Prevented Planting Acres” Meeting
By: Stephanie Karhoff This past Wednesday, Williams County OSU Extension hosted a meeting focused on “Managing Prevented Planting Acres.” If you could not make it to the program, here is a brief recap:
Ohio Ag Law Blog–Risk Management Agency moves date for harvesting cover crops on Prevented Planting acres
By: Peggy Kirk Hall, Ohio State University With many farmers in Ohio unable to plant before the Final Planting Date for crop insurance, questions are arising about planting and harvesting cover crops on those prevented planting acres.