The Ohio State University: College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Phosphorus deficiency in corn. Photo:  OSU Extension.

Don’t Leave Mycorrhizae Stranded in Your Prevented Planting Acres

By:  Stephanie Karhoff What are mycorrhizae? Mycorrhizae are beneficial fungi that colonize plant roots. They aid plants in scavenging for soil nutrients, by extending the root system via structures called hyphae. In return, plants provide sugars produced during photosynthesis to…

Wheat Performance Test Sites

2019 Ohio Wheat Performance Test Results

By:  Laura Lindsey and Matthew Hankinson, Ohio State University Yield results from the 2019 Ohio Wheat Performance Test are online at: Disease information will be available soon.

No Pigweed Left Behind Magnet

No pigweed left behind – late-season scouting for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp

By:  Mark Loux, Ohio State University If you don’t already have to deal with waterhemp or Palmer amaranth, you don’t want it.  Ask anyone who does.  Neither one of these weeds is easy to manage, and both can cause substantial…

Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Williams County

Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Williams County

By:  Stephanie Karhoff This week’s trap report for Williams County included Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) adults captured from July 22 to July 28. This is the fifth week of monitoring. There were 0 moths per trap the first two weeks;…

USDA Releases Details About 2019 Market Facilitation Programs

Information provided by Ben Brown, Ohio State University The U.S.D.A. released details about the 2019 Market Facilitation Program (MFP) today (7/25/19). This is a continuation of the 2018 program designed to help offset market affects from retaliatory tariffs on U.S….