Ticks, ticks, and more….TICKS!!

Hello Wild Side Readers,

Disclaimer: There is a risk of uninduced itching, tickles, and shivers of disgust when reading this article. The author apologizes for any discomfort upfront. 

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let’s talk ticks. In this post, I’d like to share some information from my friend and colleague, Tim McDermot. Tim is an Assistant Professor and Extension Educator for the Ohio State University Extension, within the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Studies. He was also a veterinarian for some time. Now, we at OSU Extension are lucky to have him and his expertise! The following is a video update on Ohio ticks that Tim recently shared.

From Tim McDermot:

“Ticks and tick-vectored disease are major concerns to humans, companion animals, and livestock in Ohio.  We have gone from one medically important tick twenty years ago to five, adding two in the past couple of years.  I recently recorded a webinar presentation for EAB University in partnership with Purdue, Michigan State, and the USDA to update where we are with Ticks in Ohio in 2022.”






Update on Ticks 2022

Additional Resources:

As the temperatures slowly get warmer and the grass gets greener, we will be venturing outside more and more. Now is the time to be tick-aware and take action to protect yourself, your family, and your pets.

Be safe out there and thanks for reading!

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

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