Ground Squirrels and Other Wildlife Problems in the Landscape

Hello Wild Side Readers,

If you are new to this blog, I share information on Ohio’s wildlife, but as an educator, I also create posts related to education events I present at. Recently, I presented at the 2024 Ohio Turf Foundation and Green Industry Short Course annual conference. I presented two topics – one was titled, ‘Groundhogs and Other Ground Squirrels in the Landscape,’ and the other ‘General Wildlife Problems in the Landscape’. Below are the slide sets for both presentations, as well as additional information that I referenced during my presentations.

I hope these resources are helpful, and if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me (my contact info is at the end of each slide set).  Enjoy!

Marne Titchenell
Wildlife Program Director, OSU Extension
School of Environment and Natural Resources
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Groundhogs and Other Ground Squirrels in the Landscape – slide set

General Wildlife Problems in the Landscape – slide set


Additional Resources:

Managing Wildlife Conflict in Turf Areas: Raccoons, Skunks, Moles, Voles, & Squirrels – Slide set from 2022 OTF/GISC Conference – one of the best resources for information on a variety of trail cameras

White Grub Management – Buckeye Yard and Garden Online article

List of Nuisance Wild Animal Control Operators – ODNR, Division of Wildlife

Vole and Mole Publications:

Squirrel Publications:

Deer Resources

Coyote Resources 

Dealing with Wildlife: Geese, Moles, Voles, and other Wildlife

Hello Wild Side Readers,

If you are new to this blog, I share information on Ohio’s wildlife, but as an educator, I also create posts related to education events I present at. Recently, I presented at the 2023 Ohio Turf Foundation and Green Industry Short Course annual conference. I presented two topics – one was on Canadian geese and the other on Moles, Voles, and Other Holes in Your Landscape. Below are the slide sets for both presentations, as well as additional information that I referenced during my presentations.

In addition, I also included some information on raccoons and skunks as I realize they too, can be an issue in turf and I have presented on them in past years. I hope these resources are helpful, and if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me (my contact info is at the end of each slide set).  Enjoy!

Marne Titchenell
Wildlife Program Director, OSU Extension
School of Environment and Natural Resources
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Canada Geese – Slide set from 2023 OTF/GISC Conference

Moles, Voles, and Other Holes in Your Landscape – Slide set from 2023 OTF/GISC Conference

Additional information on Geese:

Additional information on moles, voles, and other:

Information on raccoons and skunks:

Dealing with Wildlife: Raccoons, Skunks, Moles, Voles, & Geese – Slide set from 2021 OTF/GISC Conference – one of the best resources for information on a variety of trail cameras

White Grub Management – Buckeye Yard and Garden Online article

List of Nuisance Wild Animal Control Operators – ODNR, Division of Wildlife

Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife – Nuisance Wildlife Resources



Protecting Livestock from Black Vulture and Coyote Predation

Hello Wild Side Readers,

I’ve been delving into several new topics (for me at least). The previous post was about managing wildlife damage on grape farms, and this one addresses issues with predation on livestock. I’m specifically focusing on coyotes and black vultures. While livestock producers have been mitigating issues with coyotes for many years now, black vulture predation has come onto the map in the past few decades. Below are resources for preventing loss due to black vultures and coyotes. Recently, I gave a presentation to the Jackson County Farmer’s Club, and the slide set from that program is also included below. I hope this information is useful!

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

Dealing with Conflict: Black Vultures and Coyote – slide set from Jackson Co. program

Fact sheets:

Additional Resources

If you see black vultures with a red wing band, please report to – 

Managing Damage from Wildlife in Vineyards

Hello Wild Side Readers,

Vineyards provide habitat resources such as food and shelter to wildlife. Species such as deer, birds, and raccoons can cause damage through loss of fruit and foraging on new and existing shoots. The extent of damage varies by region in relation to climate, terrain, and wildlife species present. Often, an integrated approach using one or more management options can be effectively used to lessen and prevent damage from wildlife. Management options include exclusion such as netting and fencing, harassment such as acoustic and visual deterrents, use of chemical repellents, lethal techniques (trapping, hunting), and habitat modification. Habitat modification requires modifying the attractant, usually, food or shelter, within or nearby the vineyard. For example, eliminating tall grass or shrubby cover within and around the vineyard

I was recently invited to give a presentation at the 2023 Ohio Grape and Wine Conference. I discussed management options for preventing and mitigating conference from birds, deer, and raccoons in vineyards. Below are the slides that were presented, as well as several additional resources. I very much appreciated the invitation to present and hope the below information is useful!

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

Managing and Preventing Damage from Deer, Raccooons, and Birds – PowerPoint slide set

Fact Sheets and Online Resources:

References Research:

  • Bastien, GA. 2021. Avian Grape Predation at Vineyards: Evaluating Fruit Preferences and Non-Invasive Deterrent Methods.  University of Windsor (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations Publishing

Managing Wildlife Conflict in Turf Areas: Raccoons, Skunks, Moles, Voles, & Squirrels

Hello Wild Side Readers,

If you are new to this blog, I share information on Ohio’s wildlife, but as an educator, I also create posts related to education events I present at. Recently, I presented at the 2022 Ohio Turf Foundation and Green Industry Short Course annual conference. My topic was the title of this post – how to deal with conflict caused by raccoons, skunks, moles, voles, and squirrels. This was a lot to cover in a mere 45 minutes, so be sure to check out my other posts on conflict wildlife for more information. Below is the slide set for the presentation, resources referenced during the presentation, as well as a few others. Enjoy!

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

Managing Wildlife Conflict in Turf Areas: Raccoons, Skunks, Moles, Voles, & Squirrels – Slide set from 2022 OTF/GISC Conference – one of the best resources for information on a variety of trail cameras

White Grub Management – Buckeye Yard and Garden Online article

List of Nuisance Wild Animal Control Operators – ODNR, Division of Wildlife

Goose Damage Permit online application – ODNR, Divison of Wildlife

Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife – Nuisance Wildlife Resources

Vole and Mole Publications:

Squirrel Publications:

Geese Publications:


Ticks, ticks, and more….TICKS!!

Hello Wild Side Readers,

Disclaimer: There is a risk of uninduced itching, tickles, and shivers of disgust when reading this article. The author apologizes for any discomfort upfront. 

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let’s talk ticks. In this post, I’d like to share some information from my friend and colleague, Tim McDermot. Tim is an Assistant Professor and Extension Educator for the Ohio State University Extension, within the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Studies. He was also a veterinarian for some time. Now, we at OSU Extension are lucky to have him and his expertise! The following is a video update on Ohio ticks that Tim recently shared.

From Tim McDermot:

“Ticks and tick-vectored disease are major concerns to humans, companion animals, and livestock in Ohio.  We have gone from one medically important tick twenty years ago to five, adding two in the past couple of years.  I recently recorded a webinar presentation for EAB University in partnership with Purdue, Michigan State, and the USDA to update where we are with Ticks in Ohio in 2022.”






Update on Ticks 2022

Additional Resources:

As the temperatures slowly get warmer and the grass gets greener, we will be venturing outside more and more. Now is the time to be tick-aware and take action to protect yourself, your family, and your pets.

Be safe out there and thanks for reading!

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

Curious About Coyotes?

Greetings Wild Side Readers!

The subject of this post is coyotes and there is a lot to discuss. Now, if anyone else out there grew up watching the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes as I did, then perhaps your first introduction to the coyote was through the trials and tribulations of Wile E. Coyote chasing down the always out-of-reach Road Runner. The word ‘wily’ means skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully. I think Warner Bros. described their canid character quite succinctly and when considering our modern-day coyote, some parallels can be drawn. I would not characterize coyotes as deceitful by any means, but skilled? Yes, indeed. Coyotes are intelligent, equip with heightened senses, and the ability to adapt to available resources not only to survive but to survive well.

Whenever I am preparing a presentation on wildlife conflict, I almost always include some information on coyotes. While not technically native to Ohio, coyotes have been here for some time, over 60 years to be somewhat exact. They were first recorded in Preble County in 1948. Now they are present in all 88 counties and are one of three wild canids that call Ohio home; the other two are the red fox and gay fox. (Gray wolves, in case you are wondering, were extirpated from Ohio in the mid-1800s.) Within those 88 counties, coyotes are found in a variety of areas, from fields to forests to urban areas.

Coyotes are present in many of Ohio’s cities and communities. They are considered to be one of the most adaptable carnivores, avoiding humans by shifting a majority of their activity to the night shift and spending their time in wooded patches and shrubbery within urban areas. Many residents are unaware of their inconspicuous neighbors and rarely catch a glimpse of them. But when they do, that’s when the questions roll in. It’s also why I include coyotes in my wildlife conflict programs.

Recently I presented on coyotes at the Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop, an annual conference for landowners offered by a collaboration between OSU, Purdue, and the University of Kentucky Extension. Below are the slides I shared that day, as well as additional resources for even more learn-time! Enjoy!

Curious About Coyotes? – slide set


Web Resources:

Urban Coyote Research Project – Chicago, IL research lead by OSU’s Stan Gehrt

Ohio Woodland Stewards – classes, workshops, webinars, and more on forestry and wildlife in Ohio

OSU Sheep Team  – predator protection information

OSU Poultry Team – predator protection information

Coyote Species Profile – ODNR, Division of Wildlife


Fact Sheets/Publications:

Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems

Urban Coyotes: Conflict & Management

Community Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

Coyotes – USDA Wildlife Services, Wildlife Damage Management Technical Series (good livestock protection information)

Predators of Poultry – OSU Fact Sheet

Protecting Livestock from Black Vulture and Coyote Predation

Recommended Books:

Urban Carnivores – Stanley D. Gehrt, Seth P.D. Riley, and Brian L. Cypher

Mammals of Ohio – John D. Harder and Guy N. Cameron


Thanks for reading!

Marne Titchenell
Wildlife Program Specialist

Moles, Voles, and Other Holes – What is Digging in My Yard??

Hello Wild Side Readers,

I had the pleasure of recently being a part of the Lakeside Chautauqua Lecture Series. I was asked to present on managing moles, voles, and other critters that leave small holes in yards and landscapes. Below are the slides to my presentation, as well as additional resources on dealing with moles and voles in your backyard. I hope you find them helpful!

Powerpoint Slides – Moles, Voles, and Other Holes – What’s Digging in My Yard?


Online Resources


Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

Dealing with the Modern Day Bambi

Hello Wild Side Readers,

This evening I had the pleasure of speaking with some residents of Butler County about managing deer in urban and rural areas. There is no question that deer are one of the species that I get the most questions about. White-tailed deer are very comfortable living among us, whether we live in rural or urban Ohio. The webinar I gave is posted here, if you would like to watch it.

In the presentation, I discussed a number of management options from repellents to scare tactics to modifying the attractant (usually food) to hunting. Throughout the presentation, I referenced several publications and sources of additional information. You can find them all below. Enjoy and good luck with all your Bambi encounters!

Info on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD):

Wildlife Crop Damage Publications:

Managing Deer Conflict:

Resources for Community leaders:

For help managing your woods for deer:

For more webinars and learning opportunities on managing woodlands and wildlife:

2020 Gwynne Conservation Area Farm Science Review Presentations

Hello Wild Side Readers!

Next week is Farm Science Review (FSR), one of the largest farm shows in the country, hosted by the Ohio State University and the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Monday through Thursday usually finds me at the show on the Gwynne Conservation Area, which is down the road from the Molly Caren Agricultural Center, the site of FSR.

Among many activities, the Gwynne typically hosts a series of professionals talks geared towards farmers, woodland owners, and other landowners about conservation and natural resources management. This year, FSR is virtual, and so all 45 talks planned for 2020 at the Gwynne are now moving to an online platform!

Check out the full schedule of talks here.

I’ve also added a short tutorial below on how to watch the talks from your computer or other device, starting Sept. 22, 2020. Please reach out to me in the comments below if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy the show!

How to access Gwynne Conservation Area talks during 2020 FSR:

  1.  Go to and click on ‘Conservation
  2.  Create a ‘My Show Planner’ Account (don’t skip this step!)
  3.  Click on ‘Home’ and search for keyword ‘Gwynne
  4.  A list of the Gwynne subject matter areas should appear (i.e. ‘Gwynne Forages and Grazing Education‘, ‘Gwynne Woodland Educations’, etc.). Click on each subject matter to get to the list of scheduled talks.
    • You can add the scheduled talks to your ‘My Show Planner’ in order to easily find the talks you want to watch the next time that you sign in. Talks can be added to your ‘My Show Planner‘ now!
  5.  Under each scheduled talk, there will be a link. Click on the link to watch a video of the talk. For the ‘live sessions’ the link will take you to a zoom meeting room.

For more information on FSR 2020 and how to navigate the vitual show site, visit the links below:

Farm Science Review 2020 – Free and Online

Full Schedule of ALL the talks going on during FSR 2020

Navigating the FSR virtual show site


Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist