My Pet was Sprayed by a Skunk! Now what?

Hello Wild Side Readers,

Did your dog or cat get a little too curious about that black and white critter visiting the backyard? Now you have a pet that reeks to high heaven and you are looking for the best way to de-stink-ify your beloved furry friend. If a cat, dog, or even a house has been unfortunate enough to receive a dose of skunk spray, here is a good recipe to use:

  • 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid soap

Mix this solution together and use immediately. Do not mix it in advance and place it in a closed container, as the released oxygen may cause the container to explode. Scrub the pet with the solution, wait roughly 5 minutes, and then rinse.  Avoid contact with your pet’s eyes and other sensitive areas. Feel free to scrub, rinse, and repeat if needed. This solution can also be used to remove skunk spray from hard surfaces. Good luck and here’s hoping your dog learned its lesson this time….
















For more information on skunk odor removal, check out this fact sheet from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

Butterflies, Hummingbirds, and More: If You Build It, They Will Come

Hello Wild Side Readers!

Summer is here and if you are anything like me, you are enjoying the birds and butterflies visiting your backyards and landscape. If backyard landscaping for hummingbirds and butterflies is on your to-do list this year, the below resources are for you! I’ve posted several plant lists for hummingbirds and butterflies, as well as additional fact sheets and online resources.

What to Plant for Hummingbirds:

Many of the above plants will also be visited by butterflies. Remember to aim for continuous blooms throughout the growing season. Here is a suggested (but by no mean all inclusive) list of plants by their bloom times.

And finally, here is a double-duty list of trees and shrubs for both birds and butterflies:

Additional Resources:

Ways to get involved:

If you want more information on landscaping with native plants for birds other than hummingbirds, check out this article.

Enjoy those flutters and fliers!

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

Reducing Bird Collisions with Windows

Hello Wild Side Readers,

It is distressing when a bird collides with your window. In the United States, approximately 500 million to 1 billion birds die annually from collisions with buildings, automobiles, powerlines, communication towers, and wind turbines. Windows reflect trees and vegetation, such that birds confuse them for a continuation of the habitat. Breaking up that reflection, or removing it, can reduce window collisions.

The below information on reducing window collisions is from the NEW guide Managing Small Forest Patches for Birds The resource is intended to help landowners manage their woods in ways that provide resources to birds throughout the year. While this guide is written for landowners with small forest patches on their property, the information is also great for homeowners interested in attracting birds to their backyards.

Simple modifications can make residences much safer for migratory birds. The following methods are suggested for homes with large glass windows, especially those adjacent to forest patches and other vegetation:

  • Eliminate exterior decorative lighting, especially upward-facing spotlights.
  • Draw blinds at night and turn off lights in rooms that are not in use.
  • Move house plants away from windows so birds don’t mistake them for available habitat.
  • Position bird feeders and birdbaths either within 3 ft (1 m) of the window or further than 15 ft (5 m).
  • Use products such as ABC BirdTape or Feather Friendly DIY tape to make windows safer for birds.
  • Use Tempera paint (available at most art supply and craft stores) to create patterns on windows with brush or sponge, or use a stencil.
  • Tempera is long-lasting, even in rain, and non-toxic, but comes off with a damp rag or sponge.
  • Add screens to window exteriors. Not only will screens break up the reflection, but if birds do collide with the screen it will cushion the blow and significantly reduce the chance of injury.
  • If fitted screens cannot be used, lightweight netting may be stretched over windows. The netting must be several inches in front of the window, so birds don’t hit the glass after hitting the net. Several companies, (, sell screens or other barriers that can be attached with suction cups or eye hooks (also see,, or

Dealing with Wildlife Conflict in the Garden

Hello Wild Side Readers!

I’ve been getting A LOT of questions lately on critters around homes causing problems. I recently gave a few webinars on this topic. Below you will find my presentation slides from Hardin County’s ‘An Evening Affair’ webinar on Monday, June 22, 2020. I’ve also recorded the same presentation here, for the Master Gardener Horticulture Lunch and Learn Series, in case you’d like to watch it.

In addition to my presentation slides, you will find additional resources that I referenced during my presentation.

Fact Sheets:

Websites, articles, and more:

Enjoy and good luck finding your level of coexistence with our backyard furry and feathered friends.

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

“You don’t mind if I eat this, right?”

Who’s Croaking? Identifying Ohio’s Frog & Toad Calls

Hello WildSide Readers,

Summer is the time of year for picnics and cookouts, soaking in the sun, and relaxing by the pool. For us wildlife enthusiasts, it’s also the time of year to survey for frogs and toads. One of the best ways (if not THE best way) to identify frogs and toads, is to listen.

Spring and summer is mating season for Ohio’s amphibians, and their number one priority is to find a special someone and well… you know. For all of Ohio’s frogs and toads, finding that special someone is accomplished by calling in or near their breeding waters. Luckily, each species has their own unique call making identification easy, for the most part. There are a few species that are more difficult to tell apart.

I’ve recently put together two videos that can help you learn Ohio’s frog and toad calls. Hopefully after watching these videos, you can sit back, relax, and revel in the knowledge that you know exactly who is croaking. Below the video links, I’ve listed several additional resources for learning more about Ohio’s amphibians.

Who’s Croaking? Part 1 – In this video we learn the calls of Ohio’s more common frogs and toads.

Who’s Croaking Part 2 – In this video, we learn the calls of less heard species and those that are slight more difficult to identify.

Additional Resources

Enjoy the summer night sounds!

Marne Titchenell

Wildlife Program Specialist

American toad

American toad