Landscaping for Birds Resources

Hello Everyone,

Recently, I gave a webinar for Ohio Master Gardener Volunteers (MGVs) on Landscaping for Birds. The webinar can be viewed here if you are interested. (We did have a few technical difficulties in the beginning of the webinar, apologies, so feel free to skip to the 4 mins and 15 second mark to avoid it.) I promised to post the plant lists I had in the presentation, so here they are!

Landscaping for Birds – MGV Webinar – April 2020 – plant list slides

Also, here are links to the other resources I referenced in my presentation:

OSU Fact Sheet: Native Landscape for Wildlife

OSU Fact Sheet: Backyard Enhancement for Wildlife

Penn State’s Landscaping for Wildlife: Trees, Shrubs, and Vines

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (info on native plants and wildlife uses)

The Ohio Woodland Stewards Program

eBird Animated Abundance Maps

ebird Explore Data (this is where you can see where birds are during the year)

ODNR, Division of Wildlife Publications (Click on ‘Living with Wildlife’)

Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s All About Birds (for great info on NA birds including songs and calls)

Project Feeder Watch (info on feeding birds)

Audubon Guide to NA Birds

Information on Managing House Sparrows in Nest Boxes

Management Guides to Manage Birds in Small and Large Forest Patches

I hope you all enjoyed the webinar. Thank you so much for attending!

Marne Titchenell

OSU Extension, Wildlife Program Specialist

Gray Catbird

Welcome to The WildSide@OSU


My name is Marne Titchenell. I am the Extension Wildlife Program Specialist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. I’ve been in this position since 2007 and really enjoy all the opportunities it provides. I’ve a passion for educating folks about Ohio’s wildlife that began with an internship with Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks. Since then, I’ve been traveling the state, sharing knowledge about wildlife and meeting some great people. To learn more about what I do, please check out my profile page.

I started The Wild Side as another way to engage with Ohio citizens on news, stories, and conversations about wildlife. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy it!

A yellow warbler in a serviceberry tree. Spring is here!  Photo credit: Kathy Smith