- This is an image that illustrates the track that was used to perform the performance tests discussed bellow.
Performance Test #1:
- Objective: Demonstrate progress in AEV development by successfully running the AEV along the track and stopping at the gate, holding for seven seconds and moving forward.
- Group F successfully completed performance test 1 on March 22nd
- Along the way Group F learned that power breaking is more successful at stopping the AEV at exact locations which provided greater accuracy
- It was also discovered that over the course of a lab the wires of the AEV gradually heated up and the code that functioned at the beginning or at the end of a lab period will not always match.
Performance Test #2:
- Objective: Demonstrate an AEV design capable of for-filling the criteria of performance test 1 as well as go further down the track to connect to the caboose, hold for five seconds and move back along the track.
- Group F successfully completed performance test 2 on March 23rd
- Group F learned that the magnet to connect to the AEV requires clean contact otherwise it will not connect
- Group F also discovered that it requires two to three times more power to move the AEV and the Caboose together.
Performance Test #3 (final):
- Objective: Complete a full run with 100% accuracy, in a quick and timely manner, and as energy efficient as possible.
- Group F successfully completed performance test 3 on April 12th
- Group F had no penalties and received a perfect accuracy score.
- Group F completed the final test with a budget of exactly $566,550.00 in 51.1 seconds.