How a crime becomes political: Trayvon Martin and the way different media co-create the news » Nieman Journalism Lab

How a crime becomes political: Trayvon Martin and the way different media co-create the news » Nieman Journalism Lab: “A new paper out of MIT’s Center for Civic Media uses Media Cloud and other tools to map how the story of Trayvon Martin’s death was told — and evolved.

The Digital Revolution and Anthropological Film

The Digital Revolution and Anthropological Film  by Jay Ruby ” . Jay has been exploring the relationship between cultures and pictures for the over forty years. His research interests revolve around the application of anthropological insights to the production and comprehension of photographs, film, and television. For the past three decades, he has conducted ethnographic studies of pictorial communication among several U.S. communities.”

Study Suggests Many Professors Use Interactive Tools Ineffectively in Online Courses

Study Suggests Many Professors Use Interactive Tools Ineffectively in Online Courses ” a new study suggests that many community-college instructors aren’t taking advantage of those options. Instead, the professors are relying on static course materials that aren’t likely to motivate students or encourage them to interact with each other.”

Patricia Leavy: Feminist Author Blurs the Arts and Sciences

Patricia Leavy: Feminist Author Blurs the Arts and Sciences:

“Patricia Leavy is a feminist sociology professor and author with a passion for blurring the arts and sciences. With a dozen books to her credit she has become known for advocating innovative and artful approaches to conducting social research as a means of getting at the complexity of lived experience and linking the “inner worlds” of women to the social contexts in which they live.”