The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

BBC interviews Matt Sullivan on ancient ice virus recovery

Following Dr. Zhi-Ping Zhong’s recent paper, “Glacier ice archives potentially fifteen-thousand-year-old microbes and phages”, Matt Sullivan was interviewed by BBC’s Newsday show. You can listen to the interview here (starts at about 14:21) and read the paper here.

Ohio State News features Dr. Zhi-Ping’s work on 15,000 year old viruses trapped in Tibetan glacier ice

Dr. Zhi-Ping Zong, a former postdoc in the Sullivan Lab, was recently featured by Ohio State University News for his paper describing viruses from ancient Tibetan ice cores. Congratulation Zhi-Ping and team!! –> Read the official OSU press release here….

Nature News Features virus ecology and leaders in the field

Nature News Features virus ecology and leaders in the field

New Features in Nature: beyond SARS-CoV-2 and how virus ecologists – including Mya Breitbart and Matt Sullivan –  are shaping how we discover and perceive viruses from an ecosystem perspective. Link to feature article here (free) Image credit: Nature Publishing…

Dr. Ahmed Zayed interviewed by Technology Networks for his research about the links between spinal cord injury and the gut microbiome

Dr. Ahmed Zayed, a postdoc in the Sullivan Lab, was recently interviewed by science writer Molly Campbell, for Technology Networks ( Ahmed answered questions about one of his recent research articles, in which he and his colleagues looked at the…

OSU College spotlight: Dr. Sullivan’s efforts from marines viruses to a new OSU Center

This month, OSU’s College of Arts and Sciences spotlights Dr. Sullivan’s efforts going from his experiences in marine virus ecology, to the creation of the Center of Microbiome Science at Ohio State. Full the full story here.

Every Tuesday 1-3 pm EST, enjoy free hands-on training in our Microbiome Informatics Webinar Series!

Beginning March 2, 2021, please join us as we dive into microbiome data analysis through our free, open to all, hands-on training in our Microbiome Informatics Webinar Series. This two-month series will cover both basic and advanced analytical techniques to…