Program Ideas

One of the main objectives of the Digital Arts and Humanities Working Group is to hold programs to get the community talking about digital arts and humanities on campus.  Here’s the list of ideas we are working on.  If you have ideas, please email Louie <Ulman.1> or Lisa <carter.1088> with your suggestions.

In Planing Stages (see Events for when they move from Planning to Actual): 

  • Digital citizenship, outreach, and service / service-learning [Dickie Selfe: Summer]
  • The Digital Sensorium: Beyond reading and writing alphanumeric texts, watching images, and listening to sound [Harmony Bench: April]

Easy to Arrange?

  • eLearning at OSU: Wither Carmen, Digital First, iTunes U, and MOOCs?
  • Bathygraphy: The surfaces and depths of electronic texts.

Other Possibilities Mentioned

  • Where did we come from?: The genealogies of digital arts and humanities. Construct some alternates to the genealogy that John Unsworth offers at What’s “digital humanities” and how did it get here? | Library & Technology Services.
  • The rare books library of 3013; Or, what’s in your basement? Combine a discussion of digital preservation and forensics with a show-and-tell of old computers. Alternate title: Will it last?: Digital curation and digital preservation.
  • Problems of definition: What are “digital humanities” and “digital arts”?
  • Centers, networks, and collaboratories: Organizational infrastructures for digital arts and humanities.
  • Data mining, text analysis, and other uses of digital collections and digital archives.
  • Data and Metadata.
  • Square pegs in round holes: How do we connect standards and services with experimentation, research, and the creation of new knowledge?
  • Working together: Collaboration, folksonomies, and crowdsourcing in digital arts and humanities.
  • Alt-ac meets the tenure track: Academic work in the digital arts and humanities.
  • Bootstrapping: How do I learn this new stuff?
  • You’ve gotta see this!: Exemplary, groundbreaking, and bar-setting digital arts and humanities projects.
  • I haven’t taken a math course in decades!: Quantification in the digital arts and humanities.
  • On the move: Mobile art and humanities.
  • Tea, Early Grey, hot: The potential and limitations of digital “replication/digitization” of cultural heritage materials.
  • Hackathon (cf. Scholar’s Workbench; One Tool, One Week; Humanities Hack (
  • Mapping the Arts and Humanities
  • Text mining
  • Project Fair
  • Jan Reiff, who’s a historian at UCLA, and a pioneer in quantitative history, urban history, and digital humanities and chief editor of the pathbreaking Encyclopedia of Chicago and is now working collaboratively with Johanna Drucker on several projects.

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