
Digital_Humanities by Peter Lunenfeld, Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Todd Presner and Jeffrey Schnapp:

CIC Digital Humanities Summit Report:  CIC DH Report Sept 2012 Final

Bethany Nowviskie’s take on the ebbs and flows of digital humanities efforts at UVA, “Too small to fail”:

NITLE Seminar, Race and the Digital Humanities: An Introduction

Matt Kirschenbaum, Hello Worlds – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Evan Donahue, A “Hello World” Apart (why humanities students should NOT learn to program) | HASTAC

Journal of Library Administration, Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models for Scholarly Engagement: or

Sustaining Our Digital Future: Institutional Strategies for Digital Content from Ithaka S+R

Matt Kirschenbaum, Hello Worlds – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Evan Donahue, A “Hello World” Apart (why humanities students should NOT learn to program) | HASTAC