Scholars (including students) can use these scales in their research and clinical endeavors ONLY if no items are modified. If you would like to modify an item or items, please contact me for permission (
Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2) IES-2 Items
Intuitive Eating Scale (IES) IES Items
Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) BAS-2 items
Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) BAS items
Broad Conceptualization of Beauty Scale (BCBS, for women only) BCBS items
Male Body Attitudes Scale (MBAS) MBAS items
Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Scale (ISOS) ISOS items
Caregiver Eating Messages Scale (CEMS) CEMS items
Transgender Congruence Scale (TCS) TCS items
Body Acceptance by Others Scale (BAOS) BAOS Items