Drew’s Paper

The Quarterback of the Silver and Black

“Welcome to FOX TV, thank you for joining us in tonight’s prime time matchup,” an electric voice blurts out. The image on the television zooms in, beginning to focus in on player donning a silver and black uniform, tossing around a football effortlessly on the grassy sidelines. It is obvious that this person is the quarterback, his teammates approaching him one by one, slapping his helmet, wishing him luck in today’s contest. The man responds to his fellow brothers with nothing but a fixed gazed on the coach whom he his throwing his passion to. To the naked eye, this may be mistaken as an act of arrogance or disinterest, but this could not be farther from the truth; this is the reaction this his teammates crave and have come to respect so much. The quarterback has freed his mind of distractions, and can focus on one thing, and one thing only: bringing his beloved home city a victory.

The camera continues its close up on the quarterback, zooming in until the man occupies all of the space on television screens across America, head to toe. A horizontal bar appears under the man, identifying him as Derek Carr, a second round, third year draft pick out of Fresno State University. Carr has finished warming his throwing arm up, and removes his glistening silver helmet, which bears his team’s logo on the right side (a pirate with two swords intersecting behind him). This emblem represents the Raider nation, which resides proudly in the bay area of Oakland, California. Beneath Derek’s helmet lies a the face of a youthful man; his brown hair is closely shaved to the scalp, representing his attitude on the field perfectly: strictly business, with zero room for distractions. Piercing greenish-blue eyes lie beneath thick eyebrows, and his jaw is naked of any facial hair except for the five o’clock shadow goatee that covers the chin.

FOX’s cameraman slowly pans down the star quarterback’s figure, now revealing a tattoo on the wrist holding his helmet. Two greek letters resembling the letters X (chi) and P (rho) are imprinted beneath the palm. When put together, these symbols stand for the greek word “Christos,” which translates to Jesus Christ. In countless interviews, Carr his made it evident that he is a devout Christian, and his priorities in life are as follow: faith first, football second. Derek finally breaks away from his emotionless demeanor, smiling and pressing his right index and middle fingers to lips; he then points straight up to the heavens, honoring his savior. As he straps his helmet back on and takes the field, everyone and their mother knows that he will stop at nothing to bring his faith, his city, and his team glory.