
“I believe that one of the best themes to take from this movie is that Even if you find yourself with a group of people like you, that doesn’t mean you fit in.  It is better to have one true friend than having a group of fake friends.” – Andrew Zawie

“When people see someone who is different they should try to welcome them instead of instantly shutting them out. One cannot know what they will be like unless they are given an opportunity to present themselves. ” – Chris Chae

“One of the major themes in the short film The Lost Thing is learning to let go the things you care about. Throughout the story the reader can see the two characters create a strong codependent relationship. At the end the man has to let the object go off to a better place.” – Andrew Brown

“The theme the most strongly resonated with me from “The Lost Thing” is that we all have a purpose in life. Some may struggle to find it, but as long as long as passions are pursued, purpose will surely be discovered.” – Drew Carr

  • Lack of originality
  • Submissive living
  • Uniqueness
  • Fighting the status quo
  • Loss of innocence
  • Staying true to yourself