buckeye language network
The Language Pod @ COSI
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The Language Sciences Research lab at the Columbus Center of Science and Industry (COSI) is dedicated to the study of language and the dissemination of knowledge about language sciences. The COSI research pods (called the Labs in Life) are a part of a larger COSI exhibit on the life sciences, and they are glass-enclosed research spaces where museum visitors can observe actual scientific research as it is occurring. COSI is the only science center in the country that has working research laboratories housed within its walls, allowing visitors a firsthand exposure to the research process. The Labs in Life showcase Ohio State research, creating excitement in children about science and encouraging careers in science.
Interested in learning about our Language Outreach demos? See some of our favorites: BLN Outreach Demos
Within the pod, Ohio State research teams conduct studies on various dimensions of language knowledge, and collect, code, and analyze data within the pod. Visitors to COSI are able to see real research being conducted, and also have the opportunity to participate in these studies themselves. Outside the pod, Ohio State graduate and undergraduate students provide educational explanations to both the adult and child COSI visitors about the work being conducted within the pod. These explanations address the research process on several levels, including the research content (What problem is this researcher studying?), the research methods (How is this researcher doing her study?), the larger research goal (Why is this researcher studying this part of language?), as well as the scientific method more generally (How do we ask and answer a question scientifically?). These students also explain the fundamentals of the science of language to visitors through a variety of short demonstrations, each focusing on a different sub-field of linguistics.
• Interested in doing a STEP project at the language pod? Email Laura Wagner for more information !
• Interested in doing language research at COSI? Click here for more information!
• Want to try helping us design a language experiment? Check out our DIY Citizen Science Project.
• Are you a student who wants to be more involved? Learn about our Language Pod course here.
• Want to work with us over the summer? Check out our summer REU program here.
Documentation of the pod’s OSU status.