The Language Pod Course

buckeye language network

Every semester the Buckeye Language Network offers a course that allows students to learn about the Language Pod firsthand (read about it here!). This course provides hands-on training in language science outreach at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI @ Students will work at the Language Pod, the COSI Lab in Life that is devoted to the study of the science of language. Labs in Life is a research-in-real-time exhibit located inside the Life exhibition at COSI ( Students will learn about several ongoing research projects within the exhibit and about critical background concepts from linguistics. Students will learn about informal science learning and be trained in how to communicate language sciences information to the COSI public, including child and adult visitors. Students will spend a significant portion of their time at COSI actively engaged in explaining the language research to visitors, conducting demonstrations about language science, and assisting in recruitment for the research studies.

The course is cross-listed as LING/PSYCH/EDUTL 5700 “Training in Science Education Outreach” and is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.

In the Spring 2019 semester the class is being taught by Laura Wagner.  Date/Time TBA (or check the registrar’s site).

Read an evaluation of our Informal Science Training Class on the CAISE website.