Species of the Month: Smooth Green Snake (Opheodrys vernalis)

Snakes in Jars

Tetrapod Collection Smooth Green Snakes, ©Chelsea Hothem, 2016

If you don’t think snakes can be cute, perhaps you’ve just never seen a smooth green snake (Opheodrys vernalis).  A cousin of garter snakes and rat snakes, the smooth green snake is in the Colubridae family.  They are found throughout the continental United States, southern Canada, and northern Mexico. The smooth green snake looks similar to the rough green snake (O.

Rough green snakes (Opheodrys aestivus) look similar to smooth green snakes but have keeled scales and a more arboreal lifestyle. ( © Patrick Coin, 2003)

aestivus) but can be distinguished by its namesake smoother scales and more terrestrial lifestyle.  This slender snake only grows to around one to two feet (30-60 cm) long.  Since they are small and non-venomous, they’re harmless, unless you’re a small invertebrate.  Much like The Lion King’s Timon and Pumbaa, smooth green snakes primarily eat insects, spiders, worms, and snails (1,2,3,5).


From June to September, the female smooth green snakes lay eggs in burrows under logs, rocks, or vegetation.  Multiple females have been observed depositing eggs in one communal nest site.  The eggs can hatch anywhere from four to thirty days later.  The incubation period is thought to vary greatly due in part to the female’s ability to retain the eggs in her body, which helps speed their development.  Born with no need for parental care, hatchlings grow quickly and can triple in size within their first year of life (1,2,3).

From November to March, smooth green snakes spend the winter hibernating.  Hibernacula (places where animals hibernate) can be under rocks and logs or inside anthills and abandoned rodent burrows (1,2,3).  Individuals frequently hibernate together and have even been known to share hibernacula with other species including their close relative the garter snake (genus Thamnophis) or even skinks (genus Plestiodon) (1).

Western Smooth Green Snake, Opheodrys vernalis blanchardi

(Smooth green snakes are usually found on the ground.  (©Greg Schechter, 2009)  )

Year-round, this reptile prefers to live in moist and grassy habitats in prairies or near marshes and lakes, although they can sometimes be found in drier habitats like forests.  As prairies and marshes have given way to neighborhoods and shopping centers, the wildlife that lived in those habitats has also disappeared (1,2,3,5).  Unfortunately, the smooth green snake is no exception.  In Ohio, the smooth green snake is endangered and is only encountered in the extreme southwest of the state (if at all)(5).  However, the species as a whole is considered stable and smooth green snakes are still populous in other parts of their range for now (4).

Because this species can be hard to find in the wild and usually does not thrive in captivity (1,2), museum specimens are an important source of information for scientific studies.  At the Museum of Biological Diversity, we have sixteen smooth green snake specimens.  They were collected between the 1920’s and 1960’s and the majority were found in Ohio.   For more information about the smooth green snake and their range in Ohio, watch this video.

Abby poses with the polar bear head.

Abby is one of our  Volunteers. She works on the general collection

About the Author:

Abby Miller is a 2nd year majoring in Zoology at the Ohio State University and is a volunteer in the Tetrapod Collection.





  1. Redder, Alan J., Brian E. Smith, Ph.D., and Douglas A. Keinath. 2006 Smooth Green Snake (Opheodrys Vernalis): A Technical Conservation Assessment.” United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service: Rocky Mountain Region. USDA Forest Service, 27 Nov. 2006. Web. http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5182074.pdf


  1. Smooth Green Snake.” Lincoln Park Zoo. Lincoln Park Zoo, n.d. Web. <http://www.lpzoo.org/animal/smooth-green-snake>.
  2. Hammerson, G.A. 2007.  Liochlorophis vernalis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2007: e.T63842A12721291. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/63842/0
  3.  “Opheodrys Vernalis (Smooth Green Snake).” Animal Diversity Web. Regents of the University of Michigan, n.d. Web.  <http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Opheodrys_vernalis/>.

5. “Smooth Greensnake – Opheodrys Vernalis.” ODNR Division of Wildlife. Ohio DNR, n.d. <http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/reptiles/smooth-greensnake>.


Species of January: The Bengal Tiger

I had been saving this particular species of tetrapod for my final blog post, and now that time has come. Recently I accepted an internship at the Center Of Science and Industry in Columbus, so I will be ending my work here at the Tetrapod Collection. As my time here comes to an end, I’d like to finish by writing about my favorite tetrapod species.

Growing up to 6 feet in length and weighing up to 500 lbs, the Bengal Tiger (Panther tigris tigris) is, without question, one of the most majestic and regal animals on this planet. Different tiger species can be found in different parts of Asia but the Bengal Tiger is found primarily in India and some areas of neighboring Bangladesh. Tigers are the largest cats in the world and have a distinct roar that can be heard

A tiger skull that we have here in the Tetrapod Collection.

A tiger skull that we have here in the Tetrapod Collection.

from two miles away. Tigers are known for their distinctive striped coats and, like our fingerprints, no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. The tiger’s stripes are used to break up the tiger’s shape against the shadows of the mangrove forests in which they live. When tigers hunt, they will get in very close and use a quick fatal pounce to deliver a crushing bite to their prey. An adult tiger can eat up to 60 pounds of meat in one night, and will usually bury whatever it can’t finish in order to come back to it later. Tigers are fiercely territorial and unlike lions (who live and hunt in a large pride) tigers live, hunt, and rear offspring alone. Female tigers give birth to two to six cubs and raise them for two to three years before the young are kicked out and must find territory ranges of their own. To learn more facts about the Bengal Tiger, feel free to visit the National Geographic’s website.

It pains me dearly to say that all subspecies of tiger are endangered. At the beginning of the 20th century there were eight subspecies, but they have now been reduced to five. There are many reasons for the tiger’s place on the endangered species list, the primary being poachers illegally selling the tiger’s body parts for use in Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, other threats such as habitat loss have also caused tiger numbers to shrink.

Yet another reason for the reduction in tiger numbers has received some attention lately. Loss of prey items has always been a large concern in tiger population, but a new paper by Bhattarai et al (2012) explores a different aspect of this problem. In much of the range, tigers often live in the same habitat and compete for food with their cousin the Leopard (Panthera pardus). In India, this isn’t much of a problem because tigers like to hunt larger prey items while the leopards prefer to hunt smaller prey items. However, due to increased human activity in the area, larger prey species are vanishing which means that tigers now must resort to hunting prey species that the leopard would usually hunt. This lack of food will often cause the big cats to hunt livestock, which brings tigers and leopards into conflict with humans. The researchers stress that larger prey species must be protected to help the tigers and leopards go back to their normal feeding patterns so as to reduce inter-species competition and conflict with humans.

Few other big cats come close to matching the tiger’s enormous strength and majestic beauty. None of the other species of big cat is as critically endangered as the tiger is and there are many projects currently underway attempting to increase, or even double the tiger’s population. Talks with the Indian government and a protected tiger pathway into neighboring Bhutan are among some of the ideas being discussed to help protect this beautiful animal. The World Wildlife Fund’s website lists several ways to action for you to help save tigers. Their struggle to survive in the modern world is reflected in the problems all endangered species face. So if we can save the Bengal Tiger, then there may be hope for other species teetering on the edge of existence.


I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has read my posts. It has been a pleasure and an honor to expand this blog with fresh stories and new feature. I’d like to believe at my posts were educational and entertaining. From here on out, OSU undergraduate and Tetrapod Volunteer Abby Miller, will be taking over as editor of the blog. May she entertain and enlighten you as much as hope that I have. Thank you.


“Bengal Tiger, Bengal Tiger Pictures, Bengal Tiger Facts – National Geographic.” National Geographic. http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/bengal-tiger/

“Leopard, Leopard Pictures, Leopard Facts – National Geographic.” National Geographic.


Bhattarai, B. P., Kindlmann P. 2012 Interactions between Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris) and Leopard (Panthera pardus): Implications for Their Conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 2075-2094.


“Bengal Tiger.” WorldWildlife.org. World Wildlife Fund. http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/bengal-tiger

Species of December: Snowy Owl

When choosing a species for the month of December, an obvious choice came to mind: Reindeer. However, writing about the Reindeer would be supporting a Christmas cliché and not everyone celebrates the holidays in the same way. So I decided to choose an animal that better represents the advent of winter and the calming beauty that this time of the year brings.

With a wingspan of about five feet, the Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) is a beautiful and iconic bird that is not often seen around Ohio. During the summer, they can only be found above the Arctic Circle where they hunt prey such as ptarmigan, waterfowl, and lemmings. The only time you are likely to see one of these owls is during the winter when they often move south to northern states of the U.S. such as Ohio, New York, and Colorado. We have a few Snowy Owl specimens here in the museum, all of which have been collected in Ohio. Among them is the almost famous Snowy Owl from Hardin County in 2012. You may have seen this owl yourself since it stayed in place for several weeks or read about it in the Columbus Dispatch.

The Snowy Owl

One of the mounted Snowy Owls from our collection

Unlike most owls, Snowys, as birders lovingly refer to them, are diurnal (meaning that they’re active during the day. The Arctic Circle has 24-hour sunlight during the summer, and these birds have adapted to such conditions. Because these owls live in very cold temperatures, they have developed a bulky body with dense feathering especially on their legs; thus, these birds are the heaviest owls in North America. Unlike most owl species, Snowy Owls nest on the ground and have a tendency to sit in one place for hours on end to the point where they can become invisible against a snowy backdrop. Male Snowy Owls have a very unique courtship that involves flapping their wings in a “V” formation, and dropping a prey item in front of the female for her consumption. While they appear to be peaceful and calm, Snowy Owls will vigorously defend their territory against other species and some individuals have even been recorded attacking Arctic Wolves. To learn more about an owl’s biology one can search for pellets that these birds regurgitate which contain leftovers of the last meal, such as bones, hair and teeth. Learn more about dissecting owl pellets through this video. If you’d like to learn more general facts about Snowy Owls, feel free to visit the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s page on them.

Snowy Owl Talons

As you can see, Snowy Owls have feet that have a thick covering of feathers to help shield them from very cold temperatures

One of the Snowy Owl’s more remarkable feats is that it has been recorded to be able to hunt up to 1,600 lemmings in a single year. In an environment as barren as the Arctic Tundra, one would think that at this rate of hunting, the lemming population would be seriously affected. Yet scientists have never been able to conclusively prove the link between heavy predation of aerial predators such as the Snowy Owl, and the lemmings’ population fluctuation. However, a recent study by Therrien et. al (2014) shows, for the first time, that relentless predation by aerial predators can play an important role in the cyclic depression in lemming population during the warmer periods on the tundra. The study also found that breeding populations of arctic avian predators increased vastly as a result of high lemming population densities. And it is in those years of abundance that young Snowy Owls often move far south in search of food. This fall Snowy Owls have already been sighted as far south as Illinois.

Whether you celebrate any of the winter holidays or enjoy the oncoming winter, the Snowy Owl is a beautiful bird whose presence can add to the spirit of the season and the tranquility this time of year brings.

From all of us at the Tetrapod Collection, we wish you a very Happy Holiday Season!



Decker, Theodore. “Snowy Owl on ‘Dispatch’ Front Page Found Dead.” Columbus Dispatch 13 Jan. 2012


“Snowy Owl.”, Life History, All About Birds. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Snowy_Owl/lifehistory

Therrien, J. F., Gauthier G., Korpimaki E. 2014 Predation Pressure by Avian Predators Suggests Summer Limitation of Small-mammal Populations in the Canadian Arctic. Ecology 95, 56-67. http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/13-0458.1


Species of November: Leatherback Sea Turtle

From the massive wingspan of the American White Pelican to the incredible size of the Eastern Hellbender, recently the focus has been on very large specimens from the Tetrapod Collection. So for this month’s post, I’d like to write about one more giant specimen we have and end the trilogy of the colossal species.

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Our gigantic Leatherback Sea Turtle

With an average length of seven feet and an average weight of 2,000 pounds, the Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is the largest species of turtle on the planet. Leatherbacks are believed to have the widest global distribution of any vertebrate, meaning they can be found in any of the world’s temperate oceans. Like most other sea turtles, leatherbacks feast on soft bodied organisms such as jellyfish, squid, blue-green algae, etc… One unique trait of the Leatherback Sea Turtle is that it has the ability to maintain warm body temperatures in cold water. Reptiles are famously “cold-blooded” and can only heat up their bodies using their surroundings. However, Leatherback Sea Turtles seem to be able to generate and maintain their own body heat through adaptations such as their large body size, changes in blood flow and a thick layer of fat. The leatherback is the only sea turtle species that doesn’t have a hard bony shell. A leatherback’s top shell (carapace) consists of leathery, oil-saturated connective tissue that is almost rubbery to the touch. Even after decades of storage at the museum, oils are still leaking from the carapace of our specimen. For more general facts about the Leatherback Sea Turtle, visit the National Geographic’s website .

All seven species of sea turtles (leatherbacks included) are endangered, with some species even being classified as critically endangered (meaning they are facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild). There are a number of reasons for the turtles being in danger of extinction such as poaching, habitat loss, pollution, collisions with boats, people stealing turtle eggs, etc…

Turtle Girl

Just so you can get an idea of how large these turtles are, here is Tetrapod Volunteer Abby Miller sitting beside our specimen

However, a paper by Lewison, Freeman and Crowder (2004) discusses another reason for the turtle’s decline. When fishermen throw out their nets in hopes of catching fish such as sardines or mackerel, they often end up catching many other animals such as dolphins, sharks, and sea turtles by mistake. This is known as bycatch, and many times these other non-target species will see drastic reductions in population because of it. I know it may be hard to picture an animal as massive as the Leatherback Sea Turtle getting caught in these nets, but these are very large nets that are often used for large groups of fish. When a turtle becomes entangled in the net, they can drown or suffer external injuries while struggling to get out. This study aimed to determine what effect bycatch has on leatherback numbers and what they found was shocking. According to their research, 50,000 leatherback sea turtles were caught as bycatch in the year 2000. This research and other investigations like it, have led to some new policies regarding the use of drift nets. According to the American Bird Conservancy, Russia has banned the use of drift nets due to the harm they cause to seabirds, marine mammals and other aquatic species such as sea turtles.

As I had mentioned earlier, all sea turtle species are endangered and the Leatherback is no exception. This phenomenon of bycatch illustrates how much damage commercial fishing can do to the oceans’ ecosystems and how we should think of ways to alleviate this problem. There has already been much success in reducing bycatch by using specially designed nets that help free any turtles that become ensnared, and many fishermen have begun to employ these nets in their everyday work. These animals are unique due to their immense size and awe-inspiring presence, to lose them would be a major defeat for conservationists worldwide.


“Leatherback Sea Turtles, Leatherback Sea Turtle Pictures, Leatherback Sea Turtle Facts – National Geographic.” National Geographic. http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/leatherback-sea-turtle/

Lewison R. L., Freeman S. A., Crowder L. B. 2004 Quantifying the Effects of Fisheries on Threatened Species: The Impact of Pelagic Longlines on Loggerhead and Leatherback Sea Turtles. Ecology Letters 7, 221-231.


Nevins, Hannah. “Russian Ban on Drift Net Fishing Bodes Well for Seabirds American Bird Conservancy.” American Bird Conservancy. N.p., 31 July 2015


Species of October: Eastern Hellbender

Most of the amphibian species in the Tetrapod Collection are preserved in jars and, since the specimens are rather small, many of these jars aren’t very big. For something like a frog or a toad, a large jar isn’t really needed. However, there is one species of amphibian that is so massive, we need to use our biggest jars in order to contain it. If you like amphibians, you may want to read on.

The Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) is a salamander species that can reach up to two feet in length. Just think about the average salamander length of 4-8 inches, and then triple that! If that isn’t enough to impress you, these salamanders can have a life expectancy of anywhere

A jar containing two Eastern Hellbenders from our collection

A jar containing two Eastern Hellbenders from our collection

from 25 to 60 years! With that kind of lifespan, the Eastern Hellbender can probably outlive most of your pets. Just like their name implies, the Eastern Hellbender is found throughout the eastern U.S. with a few populations in the southern end of Ohio. They are aquatic amphibians that can be found under large stones in rocky riverbeds where there is an abundance of their favorite food item, crayfish. They have wrinkly brown skin, which is often used by observers to distinguish them from their closely related cousins, the Mudpuppy. For more general facts about the Eastern Hellbender, visit the Ohio Amphibians website.

We have eleven Eastern Hellbender specimens in the collection, the oldest of which was collected in the Ohio River near Cincinnati on March 22nd in 1901 (bottom left on the map). The last specimen to be added to the collection was from 1970, with no new specimens added since then. Given the size of these animals, coupled with the fact that more than half of our hellbender specimens from Ohio, you may wonder why you’ve

Localities where hellbenders were collected

Localities where hellbenders were collected

never seen one in the wild (if you have, then I truly envy you). Well in, addition to being nocturnal, these salamanders have become rather rare. While there has been some recent improvement, the population of hellbenders has been steadily declining in the last few decades. Threats such as pollution of rivers, disease, and stocking of game fish, have reduced the Eastern Hellbender’s numbers noticeably.

So as I’m sure you can imagine, finding an animal for research is very difficult. According to a recent paper by Olsen et. al (2012), eDNA methods could prove useful in finding hellbenders for study. The idea behind Environmental DNA (or eDNA) is that, by analyzing a sample of water or soil, you will be able to determine what species are in the area. In this study, Olsen et. al were able to detect Eastern Hellbenders by using the eDNA method on samples of water from rivers where these animals may be found. This opens up a whole new set of possibilities for scientific research since this method can make finding specimens much easier. To learn more about Olsen, Briggler, and Williams’ study, please click here.

It’s easy to see why these salamanders got the name hellbender. Thanks to their massive size, amazing longevity, and rarity in the wild, the Eastern Hellbender has earned a place in the hearts and minds of many naturalists; and if we keep our rivers and streams clean, we can ensure this will be true for many years to come.


“Eastern Hellbender.” Ohio Amphibians. N.p., 26 Feb. 2012. http://ohioamphibians.com/salamanders/Hellbender.html

“Ohio’s Hellbender Population Set Up for Success.” Ohio Department of Natural Resources. N.p., 09 Oct. 2014.


Olsen, Z. H., Briggler J.T., Williams R.N. 2012 An eDNA Approach to Detect Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus A. Alleganiensis) Using Samples of Water. Wildlife Research 39, 629-36. http://www.publish.csiro.au/?paper=WR12114

Species of September: American White Pelican

Anyone who has walked through or even glanced into the Tetrapod Collection will have surely seen the taxidermy mount of an American White Pelican standing in the corner of the room. It truly is a charismatic bird.

taxidermy mount of an American White Pelican

Taxidermy mount of an American White Pelican

The American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) is one of the largest birds in North America with an average wingspan of 9 feet. That’s even more impressive than the Bald Eagle’s 6-7 foot wingspan. During the summer breeding months, American White Pelicans flock to the Northern Great Plains of the U.S. and the southern parts of Canada. After breeding season, they migrate across the U.S. to their wintering grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Southern U.S./Mexican coastline. During migration, they may be seen resting and feeding right here in Ohio, in particular at some of the larger lakes in the state.

American White Pelican sightings close to Columbus

Sightings (as reported on ebird) of American White Pelicans close to Columbus within the last 10 years

Like all individuals of the eight living pelican species (two of which, the White and the Brown Pelican, occur in North America), the American White Pelican has the distinctive throat pouch that is used to scoop up fish while feeding. Due to their large size, American White Pelicans can’t dive from the air for fish like other fish-eating species such as the Belted Kingfisher; instead they swim on the water’s surface and dip their bills into the water to scoop up fish. The pelicans will then tip their heads to drain out the water and swallow only the fish. To find out more general facts about these birds, visit The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

As if the pelican’s beak wasn’t peculiar enough, scientists now say it may be used to tell males and females apart. In many birds, distinguishing males and females is easy since males have colorful and extravagant plumage features. When a male and female of a species look different in some way, it is known as a sexual dimorphism. However, there are some species of birds, such as the American White Pelican, where males and females have very similar plumage making distinguishing the different males and females difficult. However, research done by Brian Dorr et. al (2005) shows that male American White Pelicans have significantly longer bills than females. The researchers measured the culmen, the area of a bird’s beak that stretches from where the beak’s base meets the feathers to the end, of 188 American White Pelican specimens that were collected in Mississippi and Louisiana. Dorr et al’s research shows that measuring culmen length can be used to determine the sex of American White Pelicans.

Measuring the beak length of an American White Pelican

Measuring the beak length of our American White Pelican

So, can we use this method to at least determine our pelican’s sex? I went to work with a metric ruler and measured the culmen to a length of 280 mm. According to the study, a culmen length of ≥310 mm indicates a male and ≤309 mm indicates a female. Thus our specimen is most likely a female.

This is a great example of how research on museum specimens can help with identifying individuals in the wild. In our case, it helped with adding a piece of information to an old, well-preserved specimen and making it more valuable to the scientific community.






“American White Pelican.” Identification, All About Birds. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, n.d. Web. 26 Aug. 2015. http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/American_White_Pelican/id

Dorr B., King D.T., Harrel J.B., Gerard P., and Spalding M.G. 2005 The Use of Culmen Length to Determine Sex of the American White Pelican. The Waterbird Society 28, 102-106. BioOne. http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1675/1524 4695(2005)28[102:TUOCLT]2.0.CO;2

Species of August: Timber Rattlesnake

by Raymond Gonzo

Part of the Tetrapod collection holds preserved reptiles, most of which represent native Ohio species along with several species from other parts of North America. To find a Species of the Month, I ventured down the aisles of shelves with jars of snakes, lizards, turtles, and tortoises. When I saw this Timber Rattlesnake, one of our collection’s most impressive reptilian specimens, I made my choice. I chose an animal that is feared, and misunderstood, by many.

Attaining an average length of about 3-4 feet, the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus – a frightening name for an animal that rather avoids than seeks conflict) is a fairly large snake. Like most snakes, Timber Rattlesnakes are feared by a lot of people who don’t understand them well enough. It’s important to remember that snakes such as the Timber Rattlesnake don’t seek out conflict with humans, but rather try to avoid it. A part of the fear people have for snakes comes from common misconceptions, which these facts below will hopefully clear up.

Their range stretches throughout most of the temperate forests in the Eastern United States and Canada, however they can no longer be found in Maine and Ontario. Here in Ohio, they can really only be found at the southern end of the state. Timber Rattlesnakes will mate during the spring and fall with the females giving birth to anywhere from 4-14 young during the late summer. What’s interesting about rattlesnakes (Timbers included) is that they give birth to live young, which is very unusual for a reptile. Many reptiles, just like birds, usually lay eggs from which their young hatch after some incubation time. When the snakes feel threatened, Timber Rattlesnakes will rattle their iconic tails as a warning to potential predators that get too close. These snakes eat a wide assortment of small mammals and can sense their prey using special heat sensory organs that are located on their heads. These sensory organs are known as loreal pits and are a characteristic common to all members of the pit viper family, which includes rattlesnakes.

When Timber Rattlesnakes deliver a bite, deadly venom will be injected through the snake’s hollow fangs and into the victim. A common misconception is that snakes are poisonous; when in actuality they are venomous. Venomous organisms directly inject venom into the victim whereas poisonous organisms have a poisonous substance covering their body making them dangerous only when eaten or touched. Learn more general facts about Timber Rattlesnakes from an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist.

Quite a bit of research has been done on these snakes, a few years ago Rokyta et al (2013) reported that components of their venom seem to have changed. Some species of snakes (Timber Rattlesnake included) have undergone a dramatic shift in the lethality, and composition of the venoms they produce. Traditionally, Timer Rattlesnakes produced a hemorrhagic type of venom, which causes the snake’s victims to bleed to death from the inside out (visit the Snakes and Spiders web site for a full description of how snake venom works). However, this study shows that, at the southern end of their range, Timber Rattlesnakes are beginning to develop a bite consisting of neurotoxin venom. Neurotoxins attack the victim’s central nervous system resulting in cardiac arrest and trouble breathing thus making it much deadlier than hemorrhagic toxins. Similar research on the evolution of snake venoms is being done at the molecular level by researchers in the Gibbs lab here at OSU.

Timber Rattlesnakes are amazing animals that encompass both beauty and lethality. Their status as a top predator has even landed them a place in history as the species of snake that appears on the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag. While these are highly venomous creatures, it’s important to remember that they just want to be left alone and do their best to avoid conflict with humans. Should a Timber Rattle snake bite you or someone you are with then please follow the procedures outlined by the Wild Backpacker to ensure a safe and speedy recovery from any venom related injuries. If you ever encounter a Timber Rattlesnake NEVER try to approach or pick it up, instead leave it alone and in turn it will leave you alone. Timber Rattlesnakes remind us that sometimes it best to admire natural beauty from a distance.


“Snake Bite First Aid and Treatment.” Wild Backpacker – Survival articles

Rokyta D.R., Wray K.P., and Margres M.J. 2013 The Genesis of an Exceptionally Lethal Venom in the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus Horridus) Revealed through Comparative Venom-gland Transcriptomics. BMC Genomics 14, 394. BioMed Central. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/14/394/

“Understanding Snake Venom and How It Works.” Snakes and Spiders, 3 Nov 2009.