Species of August: Timber Rattlesnake

by Raymond Gonzo

Part of the Tetrapod collection holds preserved reptiles, most of which represent native Ohio species along with several species from other parts of North America. To find a Species of the Month, I ventured down the aisles of shelves with jars of snakes, lizards, turtles, and tortoises. When I saw this Timber Rattlesnake, one of our collection’s most impressive reptilian specimens, I made my choice. I chose an animal that is feared, and misunderstood, by many.

Attaining an average length of about 3-4 feet, the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus – a frightening name for an animal that rather avoids than seeks conflict) is a fairly large snake. Like most snakes, Timber Rattlesnakes are feared by a lot of people who don’t understand them well enough. It’s important to remember that snakes such as the Timber Rattlesnake don’t seek out conflict with humans, but rather try to avoid it. A part of the fear people have for snakes comes from common misconceptions, which these facts below will hopefully clear up.

Their range stretches throughout most of the temperate forests in the Eastern United States and Canada, however they can no longer be found in Maine and Ontario. Here in Ohio, they can really only be found at the southern end of the state. Timber Rattlesnakes will mate during the spring and fall with the females giving birth to anywhere from 4-14 young during the late summer. What’s interesting about rattlesnakes (Timbers included) is that they give birth to live young, which is very unusual for a reptile. Many reptiles, just like birds, usually lay eggs from which their young hatch after some incubation time. When the snakes feel threatened, Timber Rattlesnakes will rattle their iconic tails as a warning to potential predators that get too close. These snakes eat a wide assortment of small mammals and can sense their prey using special heat sensory organs that are located on their heads. These sensory organs are known as loreal pits and are a characteristic common to all members of the pit viper family, which includes rattlesnakes.

When Timber Rattlesnakes deliver a bite, deadly venom will be injected through the snake’s hollow fangs and into the victim. A common misconception is that snakes are poisonous; when in actuality they are venomous. Venomous organisms directly inject venom into the victim whereas poisonous organisms have a poisonous substance covering their body making them dangerous only when eaten or touched. Learn more general facts about Timber Rattlesnakes from an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist.

Quite a bit of research has been done on these snakes, a few years ago Rokyta et al (2013) reported that components of their venom seem to have changed. Some species of snakes (Timber Rattlesnake included) have undergone a dramatic shift in the lethality, and composition of the venoms they produce. Traditionally, Timer Rattlesnakes produced a hemorrhagic type of venom, which causes the snake’s victims to bleed to death from the inside out (visit the Snakes and Spiders web site for a full description of how snake venom works). However, this study shows that, at the southern end of their range, Timber Rattlesnakes are beginning to develop a bite consisting of neurotoxin venom. Neurotoxins attack the victim’s central nervous system resulting in cardiac arrest and trouble breathing thus making it much deadlier than hemorrhagic toxins. Similar research on the evolution of snake venoms is being done at the molecular level by researchers in the Gibbs lab here at OSU.

Timber Rattlesnakes are amazing animals that encompass both beauty and lethality. Their status as a top predator has even landed them a place in history as the species of snake that appears on the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag. While these are highly venomous creatures, it’s important to remember that they just want to be left alone and do their best to avoid conflict with humans. Should a Timber Rattle snake bite you or someone you are with then please follow the procedures outlined by the Wild Backpacker to ensure a safe and speedy recovery from any venom related injuries. If you ever encounter a Timber Rattlesnake NEVER try to approach or pick it up, instead leave it alone and in turn it will leave you alone. Timber Rattlesnakes remind us that sometimes it best to admire natural beauty from a distance.


“Snake Bite First Aid and Treatment.” Wild Backpacker – Survival articles

Rokyta D.R., Wray K.P., and Margres M.J. 2013 The Genesis of an Exceptionally Lethal Venom in the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus Horridus) Revealed through Comparative Venom-gland Transcriptomics. BMC Genomics 14, 394. BioMed Central. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/14/394/

“Understanding Snake Venom and How It Works.” Snakes and Spiders, 3 Nov 2009.

Brown Bats and Red Bats and Myotis Oh my!

Bat skins from the Tetrapod Collection.

An evening walk, in search of the Ohio State University’s only flying mammal, the bat.


BioPresence and the Museum of Biological Diversity’s Tetrapod Collection presents an evening with Count Dracula’s counterpart and the only flying mammal found in the world, the bat. Come learn more and follow around some of Ohio’s most unique and fascinating mammals. With the use of a bat detector we will be recording what species we are finding and documenting as much of the local campus bat life as possible.


All are welcome: Bat Walk will occur Tuesday August 25th 2015 at 8:15PM and meeting location to be announced closer to event.

Species of July: Indiana Bat

Three Indiana Bat skins from the Tetrapod Collection.

Indiana bats from the Tetrapod Division

by Raymond Gonzo

There’s nothing like being outdoors on a warm summer night. The sunset, the fireflies, a barbeque all make summer nights truly magical. However, there is an important part of the summer night that you won’t hear too many people reminiscing about, bats flying overhead. Bats though play an important role in making these summer nights so pleasant and memorable, they feast on mosquitoes and help keep their numbers in check.

Here in the Tetrapod collection, we have several species of bats that have been preserved and placed in a glass container with labels for each individual so that we can show them to visitors. While any of the species that we have would make for interesting conversation, I feel that it would be most interesting to discuss a species of bat that is both unique and important to the Midwest and Ohio, the Indiana Bat.

Weighing the same as approximately three pennies and with a wingspan just under one foot, the Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) is quite small . Despite being small, these bats can have a large impact: they are capable of eating half their body weight in insects per night and when you do the math, a bat can eat 3.75 g of mosquitoes which amounts to roughly 1,500 mosquitoes at 2.5 mg each. Thus bats are highly valuable in pest control. Like all bats, the Indiana Bat will hibernate during the winter when there are no insects to be found. These bats hibernate in very large clusters and, like their Latin name (sodalis, meaning companion) implies, are very social. When hibernating bats slow their metabolism, heart rate and breathing rate to extremely low levels to conserve energy. Given that they cannot refuel during the cold months, their energy reserves are finite and any unnecessary movement will cause them to burn more of their fat reserves than they can afford to lose. Thus during hibernation, bats absolutely cannot be disturbed. This will cause the bats to starve and die before the warmer weather with replenished food supplies returns. To find out more about the Indiana Bat in particular, you can visit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s website.

The Indiana bat, has been endangered since 1967. One of the reasons is disturbance during hibernation. There are a few different causes for disturbance of the bats’ hibernation, but the biggest threat nowadays may be white-nose syndrome.

The white-nose syndrome is a fungus that was introduced to North American caves by European spelunkers sometime in the early 2000’s. The fungus causes a white patch to grow on the bats’ nose, hence the name; this irritates the bat and may alter its behavior. Bats with this syndrome have been observed flying around in the middle of the winter, burning more fat than they normally would, which ultimately leads to death by starvation. This disease has already killed millions of bats across the U.S. and Canada and according to some researchers, it may continue to do so before we will see improvement.

According to a study conducted by Wayne E Thogmartin et al (2013) the population of the Indian Bat will be ravaged by white-nose syndrome over the next century. The study conducted was able to predict the rate at which bats will die off should conditions continue as they are, and they’ve found that the Indiana Bat will survive into the next half century, but at greatly reduced numbers. There is, however, the chance that the bats will develop immunity to the fungus, which could turn things around.

Bats of all species (the Indiana bat included) are dying due to the white-nose fungus’ rapid advancement. If we lose these bats, then we lose a very effective regulator of insect populations. The good news is that there are many ways you can help bats, starting in your own backyard in order to make it more inhabitable for bats. You can also support an organization that is working to save bats (e.g. the organization for bat conservation), and you can attend programs to learn more about bats.

At OSU Marne Titchenell, Wildlife Extension Program Specialist has studied bats and knows about their ecology and management. Marne and other naturalists periodically give talks on bat conservation at local metro parks. This weekend, join a Journey into Nature with Bats at Glacier Ridge Metro Park on Saturday July 25th at 8pm or take a bat walk at Blacklick Woods Metro Park on July 31st. Happy bat watching!


Thogmartin W.E., Carol A.S.R., Szymanski J.A., McKann P.C., Pruitt L., King R.A., Runge M.C., Russell R.E. 2013 White-nose Syndrome Is Likely to Extirpate the Endangered Indiana Bat over Large Parts of Its Range. Biological Conservation 160, 162-72. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320713000207

“Indiana Bat (Myotis Sodalis).” USFWS: Indiana Bat (Myotis Sodalis) Fact Sheet. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 18 May 2015. http://www.fws.gov/midwest/endangered/mammals/inba/inbafctsht.html

“White-Nose Syndrome (WNS).” USGS National Wildlife Health Center –. U.S. Geological Survey, 13 Mar. 2015. http://www.nwhc.usgs.gov/disease_information/white-nose_syndrome/

Bruce, Heidi, and Shannan Stoll. “How to Save Bats in Your Own Backyard.” YES! Magazine. YES! Magazine, 17 July 2012. http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/making-it-home/how-to-save-backyard-bats

Species of the Month: Cane Toad

Picture of Cane Toad

Adult Cane Toad

by Raymond Gonzo, OSU zoology major

The other day I was working in the Amphibian section of the Tetrapod collection, when I saw two toad specimens that really stood out to me. The toads were almost the size of a Coke can, which is bigger than the American toads that you may find in your backyard. Another interesting thing I noticed about these toads was the fact that one specimen was collected in Fortin de las Flores, Mexico, and the second specimen came from Australia. How is it that these two specimens were collected on different sides of the planet? On the jars they were labeled Rhinella marinus, which struck a cord with me. I had heard that name many times before, but I couldn’t remember from where. A quick check through the Tetrapod Collection’s curatorial database revealed that the amphibian in question was none other than the infamous Cane Toad.

The Passenger Pigeon that I wrote about last month was a species that declined in numbers and went extinct due to human activities. The cane toad, Rhinella marinus, is an example of the opposite effect, a species that proliferates with human help.

Until the 1930s, the cane beetle, an Australian native whose larvae feast on the leaves of sugar cane, did excessive damage to the sugar cane crop. In order to control the beetle population, the cane toad was released as a new predator. The idea being that this toad would feast on the beetles and thus protect the sugar cane crop. However, it did not work out as planned, the cane toad became a major pest in itself.

Instead of controlling the beetles, the toads began eating everything in sight, which allowed them to thrive and reproduce at an alarming rate. If that weren’t enough, the toads are highly poisonous and release a deadly toxin if a predator, who has not evolved defense strategies against cane toad toxin, should try to eat them. In the Americas, there are predators who can eat the toads and consequently keep their population in check. For example, there are many crocodilian reptiles, snakes, and various species of fish that are both immune to the toxins and can be found in the toads’ natural habitat. Many Australian predators of frogs and toads are unfamiliar with the toxins and cannot tolerate them, which means they will often die from eating a cane toad. This has given the toads a chance to drastically increase in numbers. Interesting fact, the cane toad is in the same family (Bufonidae) as the American toad, Anaxyrus americanus, an example of related species having a very different effect on their environment, especially when displaced.

However, as recent studies show, over time species may evolve the ability to either recognize and avoid cane toads or be able to tolerate their toxins. In 2004, Ben Phillips and Richard Shine demonstrated that some Australian snake populations that are at risk of death by the cane toad have adapted to living with the invaders. The authors of this study found that snakes increased in size in areas where they co-exist with cane toads. Small individuals face a much higher risk of fatal poisoning by toads, thus over time this species has been selected for large body size. More recent studies have shown that spiders and ants may also help keep cane toad numbers in check. If you are interested in finding out more read this article in the Australian Geographic. You can also read the study conducted by Phillips and Shine.

There are hundreds of instances where animals from one part of the world are introduced to another area, and often times there are disastrous consequences. A local example of this is the Emerald ash

borer. The ash borer is a native to China, but turned into an invasive pest of ash trees in North America. Here at the Ohio State University, much research is being done on the impact these beetles are having on the local Ohio ecology. More information on the control of this pest can be found here.

When it comes to trying to control nature, mankind has a pretty mixed track record of both successes and failures. Invasive species such as the Norway rat, the feral pig, and the ball python are all examples of how carelessness can lead to the destruction of an ecosystem. The Cane Toad is just one in a long line of destructive invasive species, and with the increased inter-continental travel of the modern world, it certainly won’t be the last.



Phillips, B. L., and Shine R. 2004 Adapting to an Invasive Species: Toxic Cane Toads Induce Morphological Change in Australian Snakes. PNAS 101, 17150-7151.



Observations from the Freshman-Brought to you by Raymond

If I said that I had planned to work at The Ohio State University’s Museum of Biological Diversity from the beginning of my college career, I’d be lying. If I said that I was aware of the museum’s existence before last October, I’d still be lying (I know. I’m just the worst).

If I were to spin a yarn about how I first got started at the museum, it would begin last semester when I was frantically searching for an undergraduate research position. As a zoology major entering my third year of college, I thought to myself, I should probably start getting zoology work related experiences to put on my resume and undergraduate research seemed the most appealing. The problem is that Sasquatch is easier to find than a professor doing zoology-related research and who is looking for an undergraduate to participate. So after much searching, emailing, crying, etc… I asked the undergraduate research office where I could go to find said professors looking for undergraduate workers. They replied that most of researchers could be found, or have an office at the University’s Museum of Biological Diversity.

Upon hearing this, my initial thought was, “We have a Museum of Biological Diversity?” My second thought was, “We have a Museum of Biological Diversity and I’m just hearing about this now?”  I took a bus out to Carmack Corner, walked up a dirt road and found this place on the very edge of the University’s land. When I first discovered the museum, I was so incredibly intrigued and excited about what could be inside. Upon further investigation however, I was incredibly disappointed to see it wasn’t an “actual” museum but more akin to the warehouse from the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

A picture of OSU's Museum of Biological Diversity. A very plain looking brick building.

There is the building in all its glory. When I say that this museum is out of the way, I mean it is really at the far western end of campus.

It wasn’t until the beginning of this semester that I had heard about the museum’s annual open house. I had been told that this is the one day of the year that the museum resembles the general public’s view of what an actual museum rather than a warehouse, so I decided to attend. The open house was a wonderful experience for a zoology major, such as myself. After entering the building, I was soon surrounded by specimens of exotic and colorful birds and skeletons from a wide variety of different animals. After seeing all this awesome stuff, I thought to myself, “Gosh wouldn’t it be just swell to work/intern/volunteer here?” So I had met with the curator, Dr. Angelika Nelson, and began to volunteer my time labeling and organizing specimens in the museum’s Tetrapod collection.

So it’s been a little over a month since I started at the museum (I refer to myself as a freshman for a reason) and now I have a chance to really look back and reflect on what I’ve done so far. All that I’ve really done (again, I’ve only been here a month) is print labels, organize loans, do some geo-referencing and maybe (if I should be so lucky) count how many 100-year old hummingbirds we have in our collection. Make no mistake; museum work is not for everybody. At times it can seem like long, tedious and mind-numbingly boring work.

But I love every minute of it.

I’m sure that if the average person were to come to the museum and try to do what it is that we do there, they’d either recoil in disgust or fall asleep from boredom. And that’s fine, it’s not everybody’s cup of tea. For me however, working at the museum is one of the greatest jobs I’ve ever had. Animals, in general, just wholly fascinate me and I grew up watching the old Animal Planet. When I printed labels for specimen cabinets, I got to look at some of the most exotic and unique bird species I’ve ever seen. Not to mention that I got to touch three of the endangered bird species the Tetrapod collection possess: an Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, a Passenger Pigeon and a Carolina Parakeet (I can die happy now). Working there is basically nirvana for a guy like me.

A head on picture of the Tetrapod Collection's Ivory Billed Woodpeckers.

Not going to lie… These are the most exciting specimens I have seen so far.

While working at the museum is incredibly fascinating and fun, I’d be lying (again) if I said there was only one reason why I love it there. Going into the museum and doing all this science-related work makes me feel like I’m getting closer to actually being a zoologist. For anyone who is a zoology major at OSU, I don’t need to tell you how difficult the major program is. I spent the first two years of college trying my absolute hardest just to get through the math requirements (don’t even get me started on that ungodly chemistry program). So working here (along with actually doing major courses) makes me feel as though I’m becoming a “big kid” in my field.

I’ve often said that the greatest decision that I ever made was joining the Boy Scouts. However, I think I may have topped myself by choosing to work at this museum. I love the work that I do in the Tetrapod collection and it helps me feel as though I’m actually doing something worthwhile with my time. If you’ve enjoyed reading about my experiences, then you’re in luck. My latest responsibility for the museum is to write more of these blog posts, so the fun never has to end. Until next time dear reader.

Raymond is one of our newest volunteers in the Tetrapod Collection who will be interning with us this coming fall. His current projects here included working with our amphibian and reptile collection.

Second life of a manatee

You may have seen the newest addition to the tetrapod collection, a manatee skeleton, during the Open House (7-Feb) or read the previous blog post. Last Sunday the manatee was in the news again: reporters from the Columbus Dispatch had interviewed Andy Calinger-Yoak, EEOB Ph.D. candidate who articulated the skeleton. He told the detailed story of manatee Willoughby’s short life, how she was sent from St. Lucie River in Florida to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium to recover from injuries from a boat incident, her death two years later and how she ended up well preserved in our museum collection. Andy took on the challenge, recruited a team of helpers and articulated Willoughby’s full skeleton so that visitors can learn about peculiarities of and adaptations to a manatee’s lifestyle.

You can read the full article and hear an interview with Andy here.

Andy talking about the manatee skeleton

Andy talking about the manatee skeleton


We did it again!

Our annual museum Open House was a success with over 2,800 visitors! It is great to see so many people interested in Natural History and visit our collections each year – thank you all for your support!

In the tetrapod collection, visitors could meet Willoughby, our manatee from the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium.

manatee skeleton

Anna Smith admiring the manatee

The skeleton was meticulously cleaned and re-assembled by Andy Yoak, EEOB graduate student; during the Open House, Andy tirelessly answered questions about the process of assembling a skeleton as well as the life history of manatees. Visitors could also see a short video documenting the process.

manatee skeleton

Andy Yoak explaining the manatee skeleton

Thousands of birds die each year when they collide with man-made structures, in particular windows. We encourage people to collect these dead birds and bring them to the museum so that we can prepare them into museum study skins, accession them to our collection and make them available to future research. Now we are giving these birds out for yearlong adoptions.

birds for adoption

Stephanie Malinich with birds for adoption

Some, like this House finch, have already found a supporter.

adopted House Finch

This House Finch has been adopted

If you would like to find out more about this program and adopt a bird please visit here.

Open House at the Museum


Looking for something fun to do this Saturday? Bring your friends, colleagues and family to the Annual Open House at the Museum of Biological Diversity on Saturday, February 7th from 10am – 4pm. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to meet and talk to researchers and staff and to marvel over the beauty and diversity of specimens they so meticulously care for all year.

This year’s theme will take you into the world of plants and animals that have been the  source and inspiration for the most potent poisons and medicines. The complexity of these chemicals is matched only by the complexity of behaviors, anatomies, and biology that organisms have evolved to deploy these natural weapons.

Come explore nature indoors at the Museum Open House! Hands-on activities for kids and adults. Live animals. Treasure Hunt. Special displays. Tours of the collections. Lots and lots of fun!

Meet Willoughby, a Florida manatee

Andy Yoak & manatee skeleton

Thanks to Andy Yoak, graduate student in EEOB, we now have an articulated skeleton of a manatee on display in the collection! Visit her during our annual Open House on Saturday, February 7th (more information about this event soon!)

Willoughby, an 11-year-old female Caribbean manatee, was donated by the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. The animal was rescued from the St. Lucie River in Florida after being struck with a propeller from a watercraft in June 1995.

Several bones of the skeleton were missing and we were able to 3-D print some of them and give Willougby a unique look. The assembly process of this skeleton has been captured with a GoPro camera and you can watch the video on YouTube.

skeleton of a Florida manatee

Note the part of the lower left jaw that was reconstructed through 3-D printing

lateral view manatee skeleton

Note the right shoulder blade which was reconstructed through 3-D printing

Cool facts about manatees

You may know  manatees under their alternate name sea cows which is inspired by their slow pace when grazing underwater. Powering themselves with their strong tails, manatees typically glide along at 5 miles/hr.  They eat water grasses, weeds and algae, and lots of them to keep up their massive bodies. An adult manatee weighs on average 800-1,200 pounds at a length of 8-10 feet and feeds 6-8 hours each day.

Despite their bulk, manatees actually have very little fat under their skin which makes them very sensitive to water temperature changes and intolerant to cold waters (below 68 degrees).

Boating collisions are the number one killer of manatees. They are killed by impact injuries from physical force of a boat traveling at a high rate of speed as well as by rotating propellers.

You can find more facts about manatees and how to help them survive here.  To see a life manatee, visit the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.