
What are the components of the WayFinder System?

The WayFinder System consists of the WayFinder3 app itself, an online route builder, and online route repository, and an online tracker. The route repository is used as an online storage unit for routes so WayFinder users can share routes with other users. The tracker is used to track travelers while they are traveling on a route or to look back at previous routes taken by the travelers.

If I am having a problem using the WayFinder app, who can I contact for help?

Most problems with the app can be resolved by either updating both the phone and the app, closing out of the app, or restarting the phone. If these troubleshooting strategies do not work, you can email AbleLink Technologies at support@ablelinktech.com or call 719-592-0347 and select option 2.

If I want to learn more about the route builder, online repository, and/or online tracker, who do I contact?

Contact AbleLink Technologies at support@ablelinktech.com or call     719-592-0347 and select option 2.

How do I purchase the WayFinder app?

The WayFinder App is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.