
Studying abroad can be an invaluable educational opportunity.  Providing financial support to mitigate costs and increase the accessibility and affordability of our programs is an ongoing priority for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as well as the School of Environment and Natural Resources.

SENR Education Abroad Scholarship

The School of Environment and Natural Resources is pleased to offer financial assistance for full-time, undergraduate SENR majors to participate in OSU sponsored, credit-bearing education abroad programs related to the environment and sustainability. This financial assistance is meant to reduce barriers to access for those who would otherwise be unable to participate in education abroad opportunities.  Preference is given to students with acute financial need and limited or no international experience.  Review the application and instructions here.

CFAES Education Abroad Scholarship

Students pursuing a major within the CFAES are eligible to apply for an education abroad scholarship after being accepted to an OSU sponsored education abroad program.

The Office of Energy and Environment Student Funding

The Office of Energy and Environment offers student funding for students participating in education abroad programs focused on issues of environmental sustainability.

Other Scholarships

A number of university level and external scholarship opportunities also exist; more information can be found via the Office of International Affairs.